[hider=Meee!] [B]- Basic Things -[/b] Name - Gavin Johnson Age - 14 Gender - Male [B]- Appearence Things -[/b] Height - 5'11" Weight - 163 lbs Body Type - Slightly built Hair Color/Style - Dark brown; stops just above his eyes. His hair is usually semi-unkempt and bushy most of the time. Eye Color - Dark brown; the same exact color as his eyes. [B]- Fighting Things -[/b] Learning Capacity - Gavin is an extremely fast learner and can adapt quickly in combat. Out of combat, he can be taught new techniques in half the usual time necessary, depending on the difficulty of said technique. Things naturally click for him. Weaknesses - Gavin is a normal human being. He has absolutely no unordinary abilities besides his learning capacity, if that can be counted. [B]- Story Things -[/b] Personality - Gavin is like an overexcited teenager on mute. His voice is remarkably quiet, but other than that he's rather friendly and cheerful. He absolutely hates conflict and sadness, and tries to avoid it whenever possible. He also tends to pry in to things that are kept from him. History - Gavin was, and still sort of is, your ordinary teenage boy. He went to a middle school, had friends, good grades, and life was pretty freakin' sweet. One day, he was mowing his lawn, and without knowing it, met all necessary conditions for an unexplained spacial wormhole to open up underfoot, swallowing up Gavin and his lawn mower completely before closing. The lawn mower was sent to whotheHellknows, while Gavin stumbled right in to an alleyway in the hub of the Multiverse: Punk Town. Gavin stood up and brushed himself off, looking around the seemingly normal big city, wondering what the Hell happened to him. [/hider]