[hider=Location]Morra Wyvori[/hider] [hider=Lord] [b]Name: [/b]Kohoran [b]Type: [/b] Ancient Dragon. [b]Appearance: [/b] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs44/i/2009/085/9/3/In_the_Storm_by_Nalavara.jpg] Kohoran looks pretty much like you would imagine a dragon. 4 legs, 2 wings. A long tail but without spikes. He does have white ivory spikes on his spine going from his back to his head. On his head he has a crown of long spike-like horns. Due to his age these many horns have deformed and none point at the same direction. His eyes are golden and his scales have a white-grey color. His wings however are much larger than you’d expect from how a dragon would look. This is because he is a Sky Dragon. They always had large wings. [b]Personality and Drive: [/b]Kohoran loves his freedom like any other being in Morra Wyvori. However, because of his history he has a deep-rooted hatred for mortals. His temper is like the wind. Calm sometimes but when provoked he is like a storm. Blowing apart everything in his wake. Many have learned to therefor not insult Kohoran. Kohoran himself also has a death-wish. He thinks he has lived long enough. Though he does not want to commit suicide. He a worthy death. Despite all this he loves his home and will also do everything to protect it. [b]History: [/b]Kohoran was born in Morra Wyvori. All Sky Dragons were born there. However, many migrated to the more interesting mortal plane, 40.000 years ago. Where exactly they resided is still unknown though they were hunted. Sky Dragons were slaughtered by humans (not from any particular faction except if someone a human faction wants to claim the slaughter). The reason for this was often their glistering scales and ivory horns. In that period, Kohoran was but a hatchling. A child among Dragonkind. He managed to flee back to his home world. However the was still somehow damaged. When he arrived in Morra Wyvori he fell asleep among a great rock in the sky. He slept for thousands of years. Though accounts from other beings say that he somehow did fly in those years. He flew East for no apparent reason and vanished over the eternal horizon. Many thought him to be lost. Though after 5.000 year he returned as an adult dragon. Though when he did he went to his rock once more and slept a few thousand years. When he woke up ones more he flew West to vanish once more. Again after 5.000 years he returned from the West and went to sleep on his rock once more. When he woke up he has grown into an Eldar Dragon. Somehow he knew that he was going to become an Ancient Dragon. While the transition from hatchling to adolescence to adulthood to elder dragon goes over time, going from Elder to Ancient Dragon is a dangerous, wild and furious event. Kohoran wanted to leave the rock and fly as far as possible from the the Portal. Because most beings lived near it. But he was too late. Dark clouds gathered like never before. They surrounded him with strong winds, rain and lightning. Within it, Kohoran grew thrice his size. The storm that transformed him remained around him and will always remain around him. Until he dies. How or why is unknown but the storm was somehow also infused into the stone Kohoran was resting on. A part of Kohoran’s storm also whirls around it. Therefor it gained the name: Koho-Agran. Stone of Storms. Kohoran somehow knew that trying times would be coming. The dormant portals would once again fluxuate. And when that happens, the Sky World must be ready. [b]Armaments: [/b] Claws, teeth and a tail he can use as whip. You could say that his cheer size is also a weapon. As it allows Kohoran to crush people. [b]Abilities: [/b]Kohoran as an Ancient Sky Dragon commands the storm around it. The lightning, rain and gusts of wind can be lethal to any being. Demon, human or other. [/hider] [hider=Holding] [b]Name:[/b] Koho-Ugur. The Stormhold. [b]Type:[/b] You can’t see Koho-Ugur. It’s surrounded by a vicious, eternal storm that has been raging now for the better part of 5.000 years. The followers of Kohoran somehow found ‘passageways’ through the storm. If you don’t follow these passages then you’ll be swooped around and flung away like you’re nothing. In the middle of the storm is Koho-Ugur upon Koho-Agran. Surprisingly enough it’s calm here. No sun breaks through the thick pack of clouds. But upon the top you can find many white crystals emitting light. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it doesn’t. This allows for small trees and other green things to grow within the stronghold on top of the rock. The stronghold itself is how you’d imagine it. A fort. Here the Creatures of the Grey Legion lives. But there is more to it. The rock is more or less an upside down pyramid. Flat on the top but below it goes to a point. Below the flat part are the ‘stables’ where many holes and passages are dug for the Beasts of the Grey Legoin. [/hider] [hider=Host] [b]Name:[/b] the Grey Legion. Followers of Kohoran. [b]Size:[/b] [u]Creatures[/u] - 5 Seraphim. [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140905191340/darksiders/images/1/15/Seraphim_Warrior.jpg] - 700 harpies. [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070826185119/wowwiki/images/5/56/HarpyMG.JPG] [u]Beasts[/u] - 5 Sky Drakes [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/018/c/e/cloud_dragon_by_ryu_kitsune-d4mqqik.jpg] Drakes are something new. So far only 5 of them exist. They spawned from 5 eggs Kohoran carried with him when he returned from the far west. The Drakes are very young. The Seraphim are both their partners and protectors. Drakes have a lot of stored power inside of them. But they cannot access it yet. Kohoran hopes they will grow soon and unluck their power. The only thing that sets them appart from being Dragons is the fact that they are not as intelligent and cannot speak a language. - 1.200 Gryphons - 1.500 Wyvrens - 200 Quabats (Might add more) [b]Hierarchy and Culture[/b] Creatures are above Beats. This is a fact and will always be a fact. Among creatures, the 5 Seraphim hold the greatest power. Among the other Creatures there is too often fighting in between. The one unquestioned leader today could be beaten in a Skyduel and must stand aside. Every way to gain more power is allowed except for murdering someone. For the rest you’re free to do what you want. Beasts are divided in 2 groups. Those with a Creature as partner and those without a partner. Creatures often use Beasts as mounts. While they can fly themselves, mounts are often used as transport creatures (Like Gryphons who can carry large loads) or to go fly better and faster (like Quabats whom, with they 4 wings, can gain more speed). Those with a partner gain the same reputation as their partner. For example. A Wyvren of a Harpy is higher in rank than a Gryphon of a Harpy lower in rank. Those without a partner also often fight amongst each other. Creatures chose their partner at a young age and must ask the younglings of the beasts if they want to become allies. A beast can refuse this. When a beast is chosen it becomes like a friend and pet, creating a bond far greater than just duty. [b]Military Capabilites:[/b] They are tribe-like. Unorganized. Constantly fight among each other. It’s pure chaos and anarchy but that’s what you get when everyone is free to do what they want. Though woe to those who calls the Grey Legion out. If they gain a common goal or enemy they are very much like the storm they hide in. Vicious. Fast. Dangerous and can only be stopped either by the command of Kohoran or when they are exhausted against an equal foe. [/hider] Okay i really feel like i lack the awesomeness of the other Lords. So might add more if that's allowed. Also i'll try to find pics for the Creatures and Beasts. So this all is like an early vision to see if i'm heading the right or wrong direction. PS: My Lord is against the Mortal humans. Yay!