[b]Name:[/b] Hotaru Otani [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://safebooru.org/images/1274/24e77c83b6dc0c9a9dcc01dd513afea3b5cb2766.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] If you're looking for a BFF and your search has brought you to Hotaru...you'd better keep looking. Abrasive at best and downright hostile at worst, Hotaru would sooner punch you than rely on you. If you offer her a hand, she'd probably slap it away. And don't expect a compliment from her either. Her calling you a friend would be a sign of the apocalypse coming. Indeed, Hotaru [i]really[/i] hates getting along with people...or does she? It doesn't take a genius to realize that, even more than she is antisocial, Hotaru is deceptive. Almost anything she says outside of her suit (and a fair few things in it) should be considered lies. Her antisocial personality is most definitely not a defense mechanisim. She'll undoubtedly trust anything you say to her. There's absolutely not something she's hiding about her past. And above all else, she most certainly, undebatably, indisputably, undeniably hates everybody, but has no problem putting her faith in others at all. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Native to Tokyo, Hotaru's story is largely a mysterious one. Not much is known for certain in her earliest years; all that is is that she was orphaned at a young age. It would seem that Hotaru understands the family circumstances that led up to this event, but has refused to share them. From the moment she came into contact with the world beyond her dysfunctional little family, Hotaru was cold and harsh with others. Needless to say, it wasn't very helpful in making new friends. Due to her antisocial personality, Hotaru wound up pretty friendless. It was fine by her; her dislike for others was seconded only by her policy of relying on herself and only herself. However, there's not much to say beyond all that. She's remained orphaned because nobody wants to adopt her (which is absolutely her fault for being such a bitch), and now it turns out she's got what it takes to be a magiclad girl. [b]Abilities:[/b] As the captain of the Track & Field Club, Hotaru's got a pretty strong and swift set of legs holding her up. [b]Powers:[/b] Donning Hotaru's MagiGear, given the label High Voltage, gives her the unique ability to generate electricity. Not manipulating it, not absorbing it, and not firing it. Just generating it. With confidence in her abilities, Hotaru synchronizes well with High Voltage, and of course, she's able to fly just like any magitech girl. The suit's visor is designed to shield her eyes from the flashes her Arc Cannon makes when it fires. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [u]Arc Cannon[/u] Hotaru's weapon is a large cannon that takes the entirety of her right arm to wield. While she can certainly smack somebody with it up close, the Arc Cannon's true specialty lies in ranged combat. It's [i]meant[/i] to fire bolts of lightning, but it's just as capable of firing anything you can stuff into it; grenades, supplies, even small missiles. Of course, its real purpose is to fire lightning, thus its name. It works by absorbing electricity Hotaru generates and condensing then unleashing all of it. This also means Hotaru controls how powerful each shot is. It was built with the principle of enabling an offensive use of Hotaru's affinity with electricity that can be used from a safe distance, but there [i]are[/i] safety measures. Above all else, the exhaust on the side opposite Hotaru is actually a motor that triggers when the gun is fired and pushes against the gun's recoil, so that the Arc Cannon's massive recoil doesn't damage Hotaru's arm when she uses it. Even with the motor in place, however, the gun's got a nasty kick to it, so firing in succession is impossible. Her visor is a second safety measure, put in place so the flashes from her gun don't blind the girl. However, using too much power [i]can[/i] make the recoil stronger than the motor was meant for, damaging Hotaru's arm. [u]Conductive Suit[/u] Hotaru's High Voltage suit has the ability to conduct electricity. What this means is that Hotaru is able to generate electricity in parts of her body where the suit covers her, and electrocute whatever the "live" parts of the suit touch. However, Hotaru only uses this if her Arc Cannon isn't available, as getting up close to the enemy isn't quite her style.