Arizona glared at Washington beneath his helmet. It was bad enough he had to hear the Director try and tell him to mingle with others, but the other Agent's idiocy grated at him. Severely. It was better he left before he snapped at the man, while he didn't care for what the others' thought of him, it was more a matter of self-respect. He wouldn't lower himself to speak to him. Holstering his Grenade Launcher, Arizona walked out of the training room without another word. He needed some place to hide out until he was called up to the Medical Bay. He didn't want any of his peers to try and get friendly with him, he was fine all by himself, knowing people just watered down the experience of being him. His assigned quarters seemed the most likely place to keep his distance from the others, if anything, he could pretend to be asleep. Wandering into the room, he was surprised to find it was a bit cozy. Not exactly small, but everything was grouped together just like he liked it. The walls were honestly a bit tacky for his tastes though, he understood he was Arizona now, he didn't need to be reminded of that. Putting away his Grenade Launcher and M6G, he only kept his knife exactly where it was. It was all he needed honestly, at least around friendlies. It was more of a attachment than actual threat prevention, like a child with a blanket. Though, he would murder anyone who made that comparison. If anyone would find him that is. Actually, now that he thought about it, hiding in plain sight was an effective measure on it's own. It would seem odd not to be seen by at least a couple people, he didn't necessarily have to talk to them. It was ingenious and he liked it, walking back out of his room. The door locking behind him with a satisfying click, Arizona went out to walk around and hope that he was called quickly to the Medical Bay.