Name: Mikuru Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Mikuru is a sadist who lacks empathy for people of whom she deems weak, since she lives by her own philosophy ("The strong survive and the weak die"). She enjoys putting her enemies through great pain, both physically and emotionally. She has no qualms about killing innocent people to get what she wants, and rationalizes her behavior with her old creed. Mikuru however is not completely heartless, since she cares about her comrades and adores them, and this in turn inspires their intense loyalty and devotion. Appearance: [hider=Apperance] [img][/img][/hider] Faction: Empire Weapon: She carries her Bladed Gauntlets and her Short Sword Gauntlets : [hider=Gauntlets] [img][/img][/hider] Blade: [hider=sword] [img][/img][/hider] Powers/Abilities: Support Magic Junction system During his tutelage under Helena she helped her mold his use of his abilties . She refused any other magic spells and heavily relied on strikes So she taught Mikuru how to use magic and infuse it within her system. ( This abilities Mature over time they don't all start off at this level) ( Mikuru can not overlap Junctions. She is only able to use one at a time ) ( After using one to it's completion she can not use another for a 10 minute Duration ) Triple- Mikuru's body is synced with this magical force, increasing her physical form. Receiving great physical strength. She is able to react three times faster than a foe using a hastega spell. Triple also multiplies by three the density of all weapons she uses and triples the density of her skin hardening it against most low tier attacks. Defenda- Defense magic infused within Mikuru allows her to use her physical body to defend himself from harm in varying ways. Where most people can't resist spells with their bare hands, Mikuru is able to do so with no problem. She can unleash hers on inner forces to defend against higher level spells. However this leaves her drained for a amount of time afterwards Stop- Mikuru's weapons and body are influenced by the stop spell. When she attacks and strikes a foe, this magical junction enables her to freeze the hit area of the body. This only works for a second but it causes disruptions in foes combat abilities. In the same way she can use her other weapons to interrupt an incoming weapon. Magic and forces used by foes can negate this effect based on their own abilities. Libra- Mikuru is able to store an extensive amount of information about object's, lifeforms and magic. She's ilke a sponge in sorts she can recall everything about most situations unless his libra junction is negated. She also can see auras of people and even the heartless which empowers her to control their will . Incursio- This is a tier four darkness spell that has been infused into Mikuru completely. Even though she isn't really a mage and doesn't use spells, this junction allows all dark magic to restore her vitality and increase his physical strength. In dark areas Mikuru can project spheres or darkness that have powerful implosive force. During the night, Mikuru's physical strength is increased to 375%. She can also influence herself with darkness and become shrouded in it. She can cast the spell Incursio at any time, but afterward is unable to use the Incursio junction for 24 hours. This requires a massive amount of dark force to be around her at a time. This can be negated by massive amounts of light forces. Weakness: Mikuru is a powerful fighter to a fault. She's terrible at a distance. Her close quarters combat skills are on an entire other tier however at a distance there isnt much she can do. She attempts to make up with this by closing large gaps with speed. But this does not always work. Bio: WIP