The bullets whizzing passed her heads and kicking the tiles up by her feet allowed Louisiana to realize she had left a few living machines behind, but before she could turn to assess and handle the situations gunshots sounded from above. A flurry of bullets rained from behind, scattering among the charred remains of whatever had survived the blast from before, and Louisiana quickly scurried the rest of the way on to the roof, catching a glimpse of West. [i]'Looks like I'm lucky enough to gain the help of a teammate already.'[/i] She ducked behind the other side of the roof, counting to ten, and then began sliding down the shingled roof easily, landing with a puff of smoke on the other side of the building. The gunshots had stopped by then, and she had just enough of an idea to round the building one more time and assess the remaining enemies. One was continuing to fire towards West's general location, and she wasn't able to pin point any others. Louisiana smirked, and the jumped forward empty handed, catching the robot's gun with her left hand while her right simply nailed it right under its chin. Her fist screamed against the metal, retracted and awaited the returning head butt or punch but none came. Instead, a loud horn signaled the end of the test. Instantly her hands dropped to her side, and she bowed her head to West and turned with out another glance towards the bots or buildings. The adrenaline of the fight faded fast, and in the next instant countless pains plagued her body. Bruises from punches, those few gunshot wounds she had suffered to the shoulder and her legs, and her head burned with pain. A short trip to the infirmary would probably do her good, but she was much to concerned about what her results would end up being. Feeling a bit nervous, she pushed through the rest of the village simulation and exited the training room, removing her helmet as soon as she was surely out of the possibly dangerous environment. Her blonde hair stuck to her head oddly with sweat, and her eyes were best described as stormy at the very moment, and she looked entirely too annoyed to be approached. Instead of mingling around the lobby she turned down the familiar hall, wandering slowly towards her room, mind thick with curiosity and pain and concern.