Kane had silently left Brenda alone as he didn't want to raise to much noise as he exited the house from behind as he went over an henge to start running the hell away from the house, sticking to the dark places as he could see that the surrounding areas also had zombies running around wild, like a freaking horde of rotting flesh. He didn't know what the hell he should do at this point worrying about his family and worried about his own chance of survives which was quite slim if he couldn't away from the public areas and more into a secure area for him to plan what to do. He sighed as he was shaking of fear from what would happen if he did decide to go out on the streets. Shaking his head he slowly walked out towards the streets to see if any zombies had made out that he was there and yes a few of them was running towards him since they look like they haven't been dead for more than a few hours. Kane quickly took his a tight grip on his staff and started to run, and run he hoping at least he would survive his first night in this nightmare