[b]"Those who die on the battlefield are just not good enough. If that happens to me then it would mean i just was not good enough, or i made a mistake, just like i did here. Plus, those who don't fight with honor don't deserve any recognition"[/b] Sho replied quickly. He became quite frustrated by her response and tried to conceal it by turning his back, walking towards his outfit that was on the ground. He picked it up; [b]"Look what you did now...This was made by a special kind of cloth, extra resistant to cutting and slashing. That's some sword you have there..."[/b] he said, looking at his ruined outfit. [b]"Never mind, I can always have another one made."[/b] Sho returned back to them, just then noticing Riye had come over, [b]"If you are talking about roasted chicken then i must say you are missing a lot.."[/b] he replied to her jokingly. He then watched as the two women spoke, butting in the conversation when Minerva said she and Riye could go on a mission together, [b]"Hey there now, aren't you forgetting about something?"[/b] he tried to remind Riye, although right now he wanted more than anything to go to a quiet place to relax and recollect himself. His little bout with Minerva shook him up more than he expected. [i]"...Although i should expect as much really...that's why i came here in the first place anyway..."[/i] he thought and looked at back at the destroyed building he had blasted through, [b]"Phew, someone's gonna be real mad..."[/b]