Aslin sliced at a thick vine that was blocking her path, nonchalantly murdering the vegetation on her way towards what could only be assumed to be Nico and Esprum's last known position. "They should be right around her- OOF!" Aslin yelped as she tripped over a dead soldier, landing face-first in the grass. When she picked her head up, Nicoleta was right in front of her, bleeding and unconcious. "Found 'em." Aurellius snorted as the girl fell over. "You know, you should really watch out for those dead bodies. Really a big safety hazard." He poked one of the corpses with his foot, grinning as it oozed. He went ahead over to Nico's unconcious form, crouching next to her. "Think she's okay?" He laid a hand on her shoulder, shaking it a little. "Hold on, I'm gonna do something funny." "I swear to god, if you're just copping a feel..." Aslin quickly retorted. He threw his hands up in a gesture of defeat. "Oi, oi. I'm not some kind of pervert. Besides, she's probably [i]really hairy[/i] down there. Sheesh." He grabbed a nearby large leaf, setting it in front of the Faunus' nose. He began to wiggle it back and forth, stifling a giggle.Her figure didn't move, other than taking a long sigh. Because yeah, she's still out of it. "I've figured it out. She's dead." Aurellius said in a deadpan tone. Aslin just glared blankly at Aurellius. "I can see her aura." Aurellius sighed, having his fun and games ruined. "Oh, come on Miss Leader, wake up already." He poked her in the cheek, a rather bored expression on his face. Nope, nothing. Aslin sighed. "Aethan seems out of it, too. Guess you're carrying them with us." "...Why do I have to carry them? Its not my fault they passed out." He tapped on Ascalon with his hand. "I'm already carryin' this baby." "Well the soldier's aren't going to carry them and I'm about as menacingly muscular as a mouse." Aurellius sighed. "Hold on a minute." he said, walking over to pit which contained the Bookworm. He let out a grunt as he hopped down, shaking their scribe a little more than required. He let out a grunt as he hopped down, glaring down at the unconcious form of Esprum. He grabbed the Bookworm by the collar, pulling them over his shoulder and climbing back up with a bet of effort. "Can you carry the Faunus'? I'm scared of allergies suddenly popping up." Aslin grumbled something and bent down, attempting to heft up Nicoleta. She made a concerted effort to not accidentally drain the last of her aura as she did so. After some grunting, Aslin finally managed to get Nicoleta over her shoulders, though the small girl looked like she was about to buckle at any moment. Around 5 seconds later, she did, them both falling back down. "You need to eat your wheaties, Kid," Aurellius said. "Shut up. Heavy lifting is your job." He sighed, laying down Ascalon. "Okay. I'm gonna try and trust you here. Don't ding her up or get dirt on 'er. Hell, I might even let you use her." He grabbed Nicoleta rather roughly, just as he had Esprum. Both of them were slack over his shoulders. Aslin grabbed Ascalon and put the strap around her shoulder, the thing nearly pulling her down to the ground with it's weight, but thankfully she wasn't quite that weak. "Alright, let's go sneak into a base or something."