Jurgen sighed when Eve said that it wasn't his job to give them everything. The man was getting paid to get them to possibly die, he could fucking help them out at least. The cyborg did his best not to flip out at that. He did manage to give them directions, though, which was nice. Jurgen scooped those up and stowed them safely in his pockets. He didn't need any enhancements, so he hoped that the place sold half-decent guns. If it didn't he was going to be rather upset, since he wasn't going to strangle this guy, and cutting him up would be ridiculously messy. He supposed he could just give up, right? Someone else would eventually complete the contract, and then he'd be out of a job, and this hack could just deal with it. Of course, Eve decided the place was great. Jurgen wasn't so sure, but then he supposed that could just be because he was grumpy. Why he was grumpy, he didn't know, but he certainly felt it. The bartender really wasn't doing it for him, and he decided that he was going to go home. His android would be fine, and if she wasn't, he supposed he could try out his new career alone. But then Eve said she was ready to go? What kind of night out was this? It was barely dark out and she was calling it quits. Confused, frustrated, and grumpy, the cyborg grumbled to himself as he signed the contract and snatched up the ID tags. He stuffed those in his pocket, finished his drink, and headed for the door. He needed some alone time, he decided. Some time, all by himself, to try and sort out why he was angry in the first place. It was probably just having to deal with people, and putting up with Eve. He wasn't used to dealing with intelligent robots, it was weird, and he didn't know how to treat her. With that stressing him out, and dealing with Gerald, he supposed "relaxed" was not a state he was headed for. Some real relaxing would probably do him good right about now, he just had to get home first...