a thudding sound could be heard down the hall towards the hanger, some people stopped and stared as a rather large robotic being walked down the middle of the hall, it's platting had a crimson red colour with some white designs on it, it seemed to ignore the people it passed by, almost bumping into a few people a couple of times as it entered a security point that would allow it to get to the ship, as it approached the person at the desk it seemed to be ignored, the person working at it obviously wasn't paying attention, because when it noticed the large being that stood in front on her she had a slightly shocked expression . "c-can I help you?..." she stuttered . "we are searching for the Palamacia" it droned in a robotic tone towards the human . the girl looked to what looked like a weapon on the beings back "I'm sorry but that is a privet vessel you'll-" before the girl could finish the being had held out a data-pad that had information about it's reason for being here "your a geth?, I.. I haven't seen one before, your a lot bigger then I thought..." the girl said as she looked up from the data pad . "we are geth prime, this platform is designated as Crimson" it said down to her . "r-right, your cleared to go..." she said as she handed back the data-pad, the prime took the pad and walked towards the ship, every step was accompanied with a thud as it walked towards the ship, guards kept there eye's locked on the geth prime as it closed on the ship it was heading to, just as it reached the ramp onto the ship it looked around to see if any others were following it, it the proceeded up the ramp, as it got to the door of the ship a holographic blue orb appeared at the door . [b]"Greetings Geth unit, I am Sira. As per instructed by the commanding officer, please verify your identification. a word of caution-"[/b] before the holographic orb could continue Crimson held up a data-pad to the orb . "all information regarding us being here is on this" Crimson said to the orb, the orb then scanned the device and looked to Crimson . [b]"identification confirmed, welcome aboard"[/b] it said before it's hologram dispersed, Crimson simply nodded before entering the ship, it looked around to the other that were there, mostly human occupants were here, Crimson had no problem with this, he wasn't bothered by it, Crimson then walked towards what he believed to be the meeting room to wait for the others