The white haired male came to a stop upon cresting the small hill before him, slowly, he turned and shielded his eyes from the low hanging sun to see the collection of structures beyond the forest he'd passed not even a day before hand, sighing gently, he tore his gaze from his hometown of Armkfish and continued on. To his south west lay the mountain ranges that separated his home from the city or Ward, and would remain to his south west for another few days before they were directly above him and behind as he entered Ward proper. This was three days ago, since then, he'd reached Ward and boarded the train to Toran, destined for the city purely for the knowledge that there would be other trainers like him, and, the arena, which gave him ample opportunity to study others in their style of combat. As the train came to a halt, his hand rose, brushing the crucifix that hung around his neck and brought a rare smile to his face. His memories returned as the doors opened and he slipped from his seat, leaving the train, and the station within a matter of mere moments. Looking back one last time, his home was lost to the horizon and this, for some unknown reason, caused him to smile softly. Slowly, his gaze lifted towards the city of Toran, the smile fading as he headed towards the first building he saw, rapidly deducing it to be an inn, he drew nearer to it, his gauntleted hand sliding into his pocket, testing the weight of his wallet and the coin within, yet another smile toyed his lips, causing his brow to furrow. Why he was smiling so much, he didn't know, but it disturbed him a little. Shrugging slightly, he walked into the Inn, spotting a girl ahead of him, barefoot and enquiring about a room for the night, upon seeing and hearing the conversation, he decided to hang back a little, waiting for her to finish before he copied her motions, his eyes casting around the room, reading every tiny detail in that way of his. Finally, his grey eyes fell back to the desk, deciding to approach it, standing beside Amelia, yet not interacting or making his presence too known as he waited patiently.