The poor man that was trapped within their very same cell only slumped forward as he heard what they failed to. His ears had been trained to flee from that tune, and he whimpered more so at what was to come. The man attempted to crawl and slither away in quick succession, failing miserably as the music would be able to reach the children in full length now. Even if they failed to notice it before, it was clear now that one single tune completely encompassed the hallway that was once busy and bustling with activity only mere seconds before. It was violin music. Beautiful violin music. The kind music that would make children cry in public and move men’s hearts. The melody began to gather and swirl within the air, gradually coming closer and closer until finally, it filled the entire cell. It was not the Hatter or even the Queen. No, the abomination that stood outside the door could hardly be considered as human at all. It was certainly shaped like one, but there were things that seemed just….off about it. It was too tall, with long arms, and dressed in a torn suit that must have once swooned any surrounding females. Pieces of straw and…were those rabbit ears? Yes, straw and rabbit ears found themselves both plastered and messily stapled directly onto its chest. Its hair was long and wild, becoming a living bush and hiding its ugly head. Its left arm was bloody; torn and mutilated flesh and bone hung loosely from overexposure to some hellish procedure. In its right arm was a shiny violin stick covered in crimson, and in one swift movement, the creature brought it down to its left arm and began to slice upon it violently. The sound of music started up once more. No doubt this sickening revelation would not go unheard. However, most haunting was its face, or lack thereof. It held upon its visage a pale white mask covered in a chalky substance and two pupil-less slits, and it’s neck jerked every second or so in small spasms. As it fixed its blank stare right back at the pathetic wooden door, a chilling sensation would sweep over the children. A feeling of cold dread and unforeseen killing intent…and then the thing began to move forward. In jerky movements which rattled its creaking limbs aloud, the damned creature slowly made its way over to the children, silent in its hunt. A monster. A predator. Although it could not rival the Queen of Hearts, its robotic-like instinct could very well steal her kills unintentionally. The cowering man looked up and screeched, his blind eyes being his only present salvation to the horror before them all. “The Friagne,” he whispered pathetically. Back in the “emergency room”, another creature was anxiously awaiting for its chance to strike. Positioned directly above Aiko, it was evident even in darkness that the monster had mass. It lacked intelligence yes, but made up for that particular factor in sheer size and a hunter’s prowess. Not as smart as the Friagne, but still a threat to the bound child. Getting impatient for its prey to react to its presence, the creature slowly lowered itself down and hovered over the trapped teen. A black tongue as dark as coal slid out of….something, and began to lick and caress the child’s cheek and neck.