As Maribeth changed in her room, she spoke loud enough so that Julius could hear, "No. I had no means of getting in touch to the outside world. I didn't know anything about any of you guys while I was gone.... I just wish I knew if he was alright." She sighed as she sat on the bed, slipping her boots on and listening for Julius' response. There was a brief moment of silence, the only sound was the one of rain drops on the window. After her heeled boots were on, she shrugged on the jacket and began walking towards the door. The sudden sound of a man's voice singing making her jump, her heart nearly stopping. "What the hell..." She made her way out to the hallway and walked over to where Julius was, pulling her damp hair up into a messy bun. "Friend of yours?" She asked, giving Julius a worried glance before grabbing three pillows. She hummed quietly as she made her way to the room she had fixed for Julius and threw a pillow on the bed. Next she walked to hers and threw a pillow in that room and finally where the stranger was staying. "Hey." She stopped at the door and smiled at the stranger, throwing the pillow at him. "I know it's not a five star hotel but it's better than nothing." Her eyes studied the man's features and immediately recognized him from back at the station. He was sitting on the bus stop where the stranger that had asked for the time had retreated to. She didn't say anything and kept the same cheerful tone. "I'm Maribeth. If you need anything, feel free to ask." She smiled once more and turned around, walking back to where Julius sat. "Hey, Jules, do you think there's food here, or do you want me to go on a supply run?" A chair from across the table slid out as she came into view and she sat down, crossing her arms on the table. "I feel like if you go anywhere you'll get caught. You shouldn't be walking out there alone at least."