Minerva Fairchild - The Lion's Fang It was rather difficult to believe her ears the moment that Sho continued to speak. To her, his idealism when it came to honor was foolish at best, borderline even to childish naiveté. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she stood steadfastly in her ideals by presenting to him a simple, but eloquent point: "It is the victors who write history, dear boy; not those who are cut asunder. You would do well to honor that notion. People sing songs of those who are ruthless and precise, sure perhaps they may rejoice in your honorable ways for now...but if killed, they would sing for not much longer." When her complimented her sword, Minerva could not help what could little else be called than a prideful expression. Smoothly moving to the hilt at her hip, she slowly drew the blade so that it could shine beautifully in the midday sun. Upon leaving its resting place, the blade would seem to resoundingly hum in a faint tone, which Sho could now hear as she lofted it closer to him so that he might inspect it. He would then be able to see the ancient looking runes that lay along the flat, of which they seemed to gently refract the light that was cast upon them. "This blade's name is Durendal," she whispered softly, with a briefly forlorn expression passing her gaze. "It was my father's weapon, and it would still be his if he had not fallen from grace" Sheathing that blade, she drew the second sword that lay upon her backside, and brought it up for him to observe. "This one is named Caladbolg." She began, as the runes from this one were newer, and more evident. "This is my personal sword gifted unto me by my family upon passage of a Lion's rite. This is the one I used against you." The resounding hum from that blade sharply ceased as she sheathed it as well. "As you can see, they're no ordinary weapons. Each are crafted by the Fairchild family weapon smiths with runic techniques that have been passed down over a millenia. These blades are as rare as they are priceless, as they are also a focusing iris for Fairchild Family magi." "Not all nobles' arrogance is ill-placed, I suppose..." she began at first, only to be interrupted by another. This time it was via the reprimand of another who criticized her and Sho alike for the damage that they had dealt. Nodding slightly, she reached inside her thinly lined coat and extracted a small purse covered in velvet and lined in silk. "I anticipated a trial of sorts to join the guild, or perhaps a fee...but I suppose this will cover the damages." Handing the actually hefty purse to Maddox, if he would look inside there would be several pieces of platinum within. Not in coin form, but the raw material itself. Scattered with a few pieces of gold coinage, it would be more than tenfold the amount required to pay for the damages, as if she were even paying for the hardship caused unto the shop owner by her and Sho's bout.