Prof. Amelia Hawkins - Headmistress of Ravenclaw With the discussion turning to even greater amusement with the idea of Muggles and Magical sorts working arm in arm with the other, his relentless optimism over the thought was just as entertaining to say the least. "While I agree with you, Professor; I think you are a step or two ahead of current times. As fervent as either side seems to sharpen their teeth and maintain the segregation, they seem equally unwilling to budge." Snapping her book shut instead of continuing her reading, the process of such forward thinking was actually a remarkable sight. Rarely had she ever met a similarly thinking soul. Upon hearing more of his story however, her expression turned to literal sorrow. "No child should ever have to endure such persecution, let alone from their own family." She began hesitantly, intertwining her fingertips and resting them easily upon her lap while her gaze continued to meet his. "Though my story is not far from the same. My mother was a witch, and my father a Muggle. He divorced her once I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, and I was determined to help support my family. I came here as a student with the mindset that my mother wouldn't have to ever work if I won the right kind of profession. In the end....I was able to earn enough gold that my mother was able to live comfortably until the end of her days. Then, after she passed away, my old mentor decided that I should be his replacement." With his smile at her joking appearance, Amelia could not help a slightly embarrassed grin. "See? I suppose I'm not as forgettable as I hoped I would be! And thank you, I'm sure I might be calling upon your assistance at one point or another."