[u] [b] Cleo [/b] [/u] Cleo sat lengthways along the bench of the train as she felt it begin to take off. The slow jerk as the wheels started turning, faster and faster. Looking out the window she could see parents and other family members waving at the children in the train. A few of them ran along side the train until it was too fast for them to keep up with. Turning her head back she opened up her laptop and began typing onto the keyboard. It was a bit slower than she was used to, her usual computer had been sent to hogwarts along with the rest of her supplies, but she would manage. [i]“Your summer was good?”[/i] She continued typing on the keyboard, clacks filled the air, and looked at Jeff. Shrugging slightly so that hair fell gently over one of her eyes, "Well you know how it is now. Muggles thinking they're the shit, wizards showing them they really aren't. Sometimes I feel like they're just scared of being usurped." The looked back at the tiny computer screen on her lap and continued, "As well they should be, We wizards and witches could get a lot more done a lot better than them." She thought about it for a moment before she quite typing and turned to Jeff. "Here take this for example." She help out the laptop to him, "This is my prototype i've been working on, for... what's it been the last 2 or 3 years. Anyway it sustains itself with magic, and its got an interface that can be interacted with wands. I've already got a handful of simple spells i've created for it." She looked at him her eyes filled with excitement, "This... this is just the very beginning. People in America have entire companies dedicated to muggle-magic items. I have a project in progress that could harness lightning to power cities! 10 billion watts created from a simple spell." She looked away embarrassed, "I'm still working on the proper incantation for it, but imagine the possibilities of something like that. Muggle, they don't really stand a chance when it come to us. "