[quote=louie221] Hello, I really want to join but there's one thing - I don't know much about anime. Everyday posts may be a slight issue on occasion, but all-in-all I'd be pretty active. Is this ok? [/quote] Fine by me, don't need to know TOO much about anime. If you aren't familiar with Japanese culture feel free to make a foreign character. I just prefer you don't use pictures of real people and things like that. If you need help finding an anime-esque picture, try danbooru or safebooru. Use safebooru if you have a weak stomach. I expect one post in OOC a day, just a simple "Hi." or a simple comment would do, that or drop by in the Pirate Pad. Not everyday posts in IC. There will be a lot of player on player interaction later on so just be ready to work with another person.