This is a 1x1 rp between bittersweetsymphonia and bosesbjorn. If you're not us, then don't post. Feel free to read though. --- I have no idea why I used a Chvrches song for a title but meh. --- [hider=Shiori]Name: Shiori Tetsume Age: 19 Clan/Village: Tetsume Clan | Yamamura Yamamura is a village set atop a steep mountain surrounded by lightning storm clouds. The village specializes in mining the mountain. The Tetsume Clan is the indisputable one and only ruler of Yamamura. They specialize in earth and metal jutsus. Appearance: [img=] Shiori is short, standing at five foot three, with a slender build. Her hair is the colour of dirty gold, unlike the usual dark hair of her family. Her eyes are electric blue in colour. There is a long scar running down the length of her neck. Her usual clothing consists of a lighter version of the typical [url=]Tetsume Clan clothing[/url]. Bio/Personality: Shiori is the youngest - and only female - child of the current Tetsume clan leader. As such, her father and four older brothers did everything they could to protect her from the war and all it brought. She was, of course, trained to be as skilled as the rest of the Tetsume shinobi, but the lack of experience was something that couldn't be ignored. Shiori specializes in weapons, especially the Tetsume clan's signature iron claws, and lightning jutsu. Shiori is bubbly and energetic, usually seen with a huge smile on her face. As such, she became the face that the Tetsume clan shows the people to boost morale during the war. Her loyalty is unshakeable, although she can be naive enough to be easily manipulated by a few choice words. Her optimistic outlook on life isn't shared by her fellow ninjas, but she doesn't care much. She just tries to enjoy life as well as she can.[/hider]