Name: Kutsuna Rina Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=MagiGear][img][/img][/hider] Out of MagiGear: [hider=Without MagiGear][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Rina is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others she tends to not take things very seriously and likes to joke around with her friends. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Rina is that person who will care for her friends. Rina tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed she can Rina tends to get fidgety whenever she does not have anything to do which she hates not having anything to do. Brief Backstory: Rina was born and raised in Okinawa as a young girl Rina lived near the beach, her mother was a teacher while her father was a police officer growing up Rina always had quiet a lot of friends that she liked to be around with. She was always very smart and athletic she grew up loving sports, her most favorite was swimming, she even went to compete in a few races. When Rina turned seven her parents decided to move to Tokyo because they mainly wanted to take care of her grandmother who was very ill at the time. It took quiet sometime for Rina to adjust life living in the middle of the busy city but she eventually ended up getting used to it she however missed most of her friends that she had made. When the Nephilim first emerged she lost her father and grandmother during the attack leaving her mother and Rina to take care of each other, to help pay for bills Rina ended up taking a job to help out having her mother losing her well paying job sometime after the Nephilim attack. Abilities: Rina is known to be a very good swimmer and dancer, she also enjoys singing when she has the chance to. Powers: Like all MagiTech girls Rina has the ability to fly, however her powers rely on the power of the sun's heat making use of the energy from the sun to power her MagiGear. She can also use the heat to fire small bursts of pure energy at her target, however when it is night, or when the clouds are covered by the sun her abilities are reduced by half. Weapon(s): Golden Sun the name of her MagiGear contains an energy sword, along with a shield for close quarters combat, each of the eight wings on her back are used for both storing energy from the sun, and also to be used as a directed energy weapon on her targets. When at night or if the clouds are blocking out the sun her MagiGear's are reduced to half, instead of firing from eight of the wings she would only be able to fire only four of them the energy used would be taken from the energy reserves from when it was in the sun.