Kensington looked over the footage of what had come of the hostiles after his attack and he cursed under his breath as rifles were raised up his way. Despite the advantage, the pilot still raised the altitude and focused the crosshairs on the ones who were not mobile. He could hear a few pings and a few pangs from the underside, but what worried him was a few near the back section of the helicopter, where the tail rotor was. Immediately after just a few hits the airman did a combination of a pitch and a yaw to the side, causing the helicopter to circle around with it's nose trained on the hostiles below. With all that was going on, the shooters trying to take him down with their small arms fire, the open radio chatter kicking up with transmissions and requests for aid, it was rather difficult for the senior airman to keep his cool but where chaos and confusion came training and experience followed as the only thing keeping the senior airman's head in the game. "Dammit-dammit-dammit get me a bead.." He muttered, a sense of agitation and slight panic in his voice while the helicopter did it's circle pattern and slowly lined up with the hostiles that were stable. Within seconds, though he got the crosshairs on the camera to run over the group but it wasn't a perfect stand still shot and he quickly pressed down on a trigger on the side of his joystick, the trigger that was responsible for the mounted rockets. It was a double tap, and in response two of the rockets were launched at the targets, leaving two explosions and a lot of debris to kick up and cause a lot of disorientation even if the bad guys were to, because of some circumstances, survive the killzone of an explosion. There wasn't even a pause for the wolf to see if his rockets did their job and he had to act rather fast in order to get eyes on the ones who decided to flee, even with those minutes he gave the fleeing targets he had the aid of elevation combined with technology to help him find them. However he had to stand still for a brief moment so to flip on the auto hover and put all his controls into controlling the camera, his eyes squinting with a look of extreme concentration in them. Even a new guy would know that staying still was risky business, and Kensington wanted to get out of such a business right away.