"Yes!" a voice sounded from literally nowhere, a voice that undoubtedly belonged to Ascot, who was using Timespace and Energy to project his voice across a distance. "Anyway, we're in trouble, and we need help now!" It was clear that Ascot was juggling many things at once. Once the group reached the Baler Public Market, or rather, its ruins, they found five MPC Magi, plus Ascot, attacking Zombies with blunt, but enchanted, weapons, with Ascot himself holding two sticks of Rattan - a type of Bamboo-like palm, some species of which had very hard stems. Said sticks of Rattan glowed with silver-white energy, which inflicted damage on the zombies that didn't heal. However, looking up, it was quite clear that the Zombies were not the real problem - for two dozen terrorists; the number can be sensed by Mind or Life Magic, were hiding in the ruins, on occassion taking potshots at whatever Magi appeared to have weakening shields. On seeing the reinforcements coming, one of the terrorists drew a two-stage weapon... ...A weapon that shot out Microwaves that destroyed all magical shielding, then followed it up with a laser two seconds later - a heavy weapon that was clearly intended to destroy reinforcements when they came, as well as kill off Ascot's group. Other terrorists deployed red-black drones that shot out red bolts of lightning, grenades that were 'charged' with Death energy (small e), and, of course, their own guns. "Dang you, dang you dang you!" Ascot was shouting. "Dang you terrorist scum for forcing us to compromise our ways of peace!" He was telekinetically crushing drones and grenades now, causing the latter to detonate prematurely. It was quite clear that the boy was angry, had been angry since Africa. However, how smart the boy was was shown by how he focused on multiple fronts of the battle at once... ...lifting the stone and the earth to block the Microwave + Laser Gun's beam (it didn't work, but it halved the beam's power), lifting more rocks and pieces of metal to block the potshots done by the terrorists, and, in between smashing zombies, causing flocks of birds, mostly sparrows, to 'empty their waste' on the terrorists to blind and distract them. However, there was plenty for the group to do, because there were 30 zombies left - Ascot and the five others had destroyed 20, but more were still coming. If the laser beam heading for the reinforcements, which, again, was only halved in power, was successfully blocked, hopefully by more matter or the armor each MPC member was wearing, then the MPC reinforcements would be able to join the fight...