[center][b]Satsuki, Tachibana[/b] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1199/4a75fb59b1208588af7ef5836e7efe06c77aefa0.png][img=http://i.imgur.com/j97xtPE.png][/url][/center] --- [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Personality[/b]: She sometimes doesn't understand complicated concepts, but she always tries her best at what she does, and hopes that it's enough. While she's energetic and social, she secretly fears that she'll do something terribly wrong and let her friends down. Doesn't have a very good sense for danger or loss, as she's never experienced anything of the sort. [b]Brief Backstory[/b]: Satsuki was an ordinary girl from a small, unimportant city. She lived an ordinary life, and did ordinary things, going to school and hanging out with her friends like any ordinary high-school student would. Her father was never around, as he had important business overseas, but Satsuki was perfectly happy at home with her mother, who was an amateur writer. She isn't sure why, but she was invited to Tokyo by a friend from middle-school, who had paid for her to come visit her for her sweet sixteen. Apparently, her family was very rich, so Satsuki couldn't help but accept the invitation. Now, she's just arriving in Tokyo by bus, with no idea what she's about to be involved in. [b]Abilities[/b]: Satsuki doesn't have much in the way of conventional smarts or athletic skill, but what she does have is excellent coordination and reflexes. She also has a sharp intuition and the ability to catch on to new concepts quickly, traits learned from many years playing video games. [b]Powers[/b]: Satsuki's MagiGear is Spark Devil, a high-spec Weapon Spec. type gear that puts a great deal of emphasis of generating and concentrating vast amounts of power. Its fatal flaw is that it lacks any armour besides very basic environmental shielding, leaving its operator extremely vulnerable to enemy attack. Infamous in the development team for being extremely unreliable and bothersome to use. ~[b]High Speed Flight[/b] [indent][i]The glue that holds Spark Devil's combat abilities together are its wings, and they do their job excellently. Sporting enhanced boosters and stabilizers, this gear helps its operator reach maximum aerial mobility in exchange for its abysmal defensive ability.[/i][/indent] ~[b]Advanced Targeting[/b] [indent][i]In addition to enhancing all of its operator's sensory capabilities, Spark Devil possesses a specialized targeting system that allows its operator to home in on targets across great distances. Also provides HUD, in order to monitor things such as Spark Driver's power output.[/i][/indent] ~[b]Zero Point[/b] [indent][i]Spark Devil's special ability, which temporarily minimizes its power output in order to maximize it in the very next instant. While this makes the operator especially vulnerable, this technique can prove invaluable when used properly, as it allows one to momentarily preform at a level far above what they would ordinarily be capable of.[/i][/indent][b]Weapon[/b]: [hider=Magicannon, Spark Driver][b]Basic[/b]: The focus of almost all of Spark Devil's offensive power is its special weapon, the Spark Driver. By focusing the tremendous power concentrated in its operator, Spark Driver is able to fire off devastating beam attacks on enemies, and sports a variety of firing modes to help suit different combat situations. It's difficult to use due to its complexity, but excels as a weapon that is capable of defeating any challenge. Regardless of the firing mode, there is always a charge time before the weapon's full power can be released, which is usually around ten seconds total. The attack can still be released prematurely, it just won't be at full power. Half-power is considered "Normal", as waiting the full ten seconds before firing is usually suicidal. ~[b][u]Modes[/b][/u] [b]All-range[/b]: The simplest and most versatile mode, it is also comparably the weakest at what it does. An effective all-around mode that focuses the operator's energy into a concentrated energy beam, which is able to harm targets whether they are close or far away. [b]Rapid-fire[/b]: A mode designed to strike multiple times in quick succession, hopefully to break through potential defences, hit fast-moving enemies or strike multiple clustered targets at once. Rather than releasing the entirety of the blast in one go, this attack pulses the same charge several times over three seconds, providing the same overall offensive power as All-range mode but in the form of several attacks. [b]Long-range[/b]: This mode is more range-oriented, focusing all of the attack's energy into a much smaller, more precise shot that can travel much further than your ordinary All-range beam. Because it's more focused, the direct damage caused by this attack is actually much higher than an ordinary shot, but it also takes longer to charge up and is harder to use effectively. [b]Wide-area[/b]: Disperses the beam as a large wave of energy, significantly reducing its direct damage and range, but allowing it to strike a great many of targets at once. The least useful mode by far, but not so much so that the development team could overlook it, as it could end up being invaluable in some situations. [b]Booster[/b]: A unique mode in that it is not designed for use offensively, but instead fulfills an almost entirely utility role. By redirecting most of the energy from a beam into Spark Devil's boosters, the Booster Mode allows for a rapid burst of speed that exceeds what the gear can normally achieve. In a tight spot, this could help rescue the operator from certain harm, or perhaps even offer new engagement opportunities not otherwise thought possible. Part of the charge is still emitted from the weapon, but only in an amount that helps the operator clear obstacles from immediately in front of them. [b]Hyper[/b]: In Satsuki's words, this would be what you would call a [i]"Finishing move"[/i], which is difficult to pull off but can end most fights if pulled off correctly. Inaccessible without clearance from HQ, as it carries a high risk of collateral damage. Additionally, it can only be used when synchronization rates are at their highest, so it is not a mode that can be used when pressured. Activated by using Zero Point at the very instant the weapon reaches full charge, which gives the weapon an extra second to focus its charge before being flooded with a sudden surge of power that causes the beam to explode towards whatever Spark Driver happens to be pointed at. The result is a massive beam attack that explodes on impact, causing wide-area damage and bombarding targets with numerous powerful surges of energy. [i]Fucking awesome.[/i][/hider]