Original Character Signup Name: Skullgirl Age: 117 Gender: Female Species: Zombie Alignment: Neutral [hider=Appearance: Base mode][img= http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/299/1/9/Zombie_Doodle_by_belldandy105.jpg][/hider] Transformation [hider=My Spoiler] [img=http://i.imgur.com/FpPt4bq.jpg] [/hider] Powers and Abilities: Possesses an automatic gun and endowed with mystic senses instinctively detect those related to her murderers trail, be they of good intention or evil. Her abilities also give her the power to spread a viruslike curse obedient to her will. Her eyes are its eyes, her mind its eyes. However it cannot posses those with outstanding amounts of willpower or someone with their own forms of mystics. Her undead physiology makes her practically immortal and unaging but not indestructible as something like cellular destruction or other forms of Hax. But her durability is that above a normal humans that she is impervious to small arms fire and explosives at building levels. Personality: After being revived by her masters Skullgirl has remembered little about the background of her death, what caused it or who. She hopes to uncover her memories and understand herself, and finally avenger her demise on the one who destroyed her life. Despite being dead she still possess hobby's that could be seen as childish, somewhat of a mood whiplash for a emissary of the dead. After her resurrection she became infatuated with superheroes and magical girls to the point her outfit composites both genres. After viewing Kanade's and Tsubasa's concert she became interested in music as well, and is disappointed by her inability to speak entirely aside from groans and grunts. Despite these interests she is merciless to her enemies and those affiliated with the Cult willingly. [hider=Biography]A century ago a young woman and her mother died due to bizarre circumstances, the suspected killer committing suicide and leaving the motives of this recent killing and the identity of the true killer a mystery. This was not the end as the girl was revived by unknown forces. The beings needed an agent of punishment for the Cult they started had gone out of hand and tried to squeeze out their benefactors. In an ironic gesture they brought back the cults earliest victim. Uncertain and given vague guidelines as her masters influence in this world is distorted searched for her forgotten past. Eventually she came across her former home and the site of her murder, and her memories dimly flooded back. She remembers her murderers face and notice nothing more as rage overtook her. He was the head of one of the Top Corporations on earth, Helios . One of the primary contributor to the worlds defenses against potential threats, but her masters also inform her they are the ones making them as well. She realized they had to be some sort of scheme to utilize the supernatural beings in vicinity by aiding them and betraying them when their guard was down. But she had no proper way to warn anyone due to her inability to speak and the fact no one would even bother trying to converse with the undead. Giving into disrepair she found an tattered reprinted copy of the Shotaro Ishinomori manga Skullman while hiding in a trash bin, reading the manga she read the path of vengeance Tatsuo Kagura carved and those he left destroyed in his wake. While reading the comic she on-looked at a televised Broadcast of Kanade Amou's and Tsubasa Kazanari's concert in which the creatures called Noise attacked and Kanade scarified herself, learning she too sought out vengeance for her fallen family aganst the noise. Taking inspiration from both events she stole frilled clothes and made a skull mask from bones neighboring her crypts. Thus she had begun her own quest of vengeance as Tatsuo and Kanade before her and became The Skullgirl, Emissary of the dead.[/hider]