[u][b]Planet Nouvelle, Capital City of Hollie 6:32 A.M. Central Trade District, Plaza De Leone[/b][/u] As it was still early in the morning, few people were about the streets of Hollie when one of the “Angels” descended to the ground below. The object descended through the clouds and remnant wisps of smoke the floated over the city, landing in the trade district, upon the beautiful stone slabs that made up Plaza De Leone. Citizens moved hastily out of the way, not necessarily running for cover, but, rather, keeping their distance from something so foreign and new. The stone slabs beneath the object’s extended wheel like objects, as this metallic behemoth settled. This “Angel” was made of metal it seemed, and it was far larger than any air going vessel the people of Nouvelle possessed. Its large size barely fit into the breadth of the plaza, the horizontal tips of this object mere meters from the buildings that surrounded Plaza De Leone. The cracked slabs beneath the object finally stopped cracking and making noise, have since been broken apart into small enough fragments. A youthful girl spoke aloud, to those about her. “It looks like a fish mommy… look at its tail.” She looked up at her mother, who smiled, and told her to hush. “Hush my little one, stay behind me… we do not want to offend the ‘Angels’, they are the servants of the gods.” The little girl nodded, and hid behind her mother’s skirts. The people were still in a midst of calm and unease, awe and fear. The spoke in low voices to one another as they watched the dust settle. The people all took a unified step back as a door way appeared on the side of this object, opening up to their world, and letting the object open itself up to theirs in turn. Within moments, a ladder extended down from the object, making its way to lightly touch the ground beside the object. The Nouvellians watched on with curiosity as a figure stepped into the rising light of the world. The citizens stood quietly taking in what this new being was. Was it a sub-class of “Angel”? Were these objects what the “Angels” rode about in? These thoughts and questions swirled about the congregated group of some three dozen people. A few turn and ran as the rest of the new beings came forth. To where, only those individuals knew. After an elongated moment, a person stepped forth, a male. He wore a dark blue uniform, with a golden star upon his right breast. A police officer, one of three of the citizens, and the only ones with firearms. The revolvers remained on their hips, the leather flap buttoned closed. “Who… who are you? I mean… why… I…” he grew silent… his dialect would be a mix of English and French mixed together. He smiled meekly, and bowed forward slightly. “I am Sergeant Bower, of the Hollie Royal Police Forces. I… I welcome you to our… our city. Are… Are you the ‘angels’ of the Gods,” Bower looked on with curious unease and awe. He stood closer to the beings than anyone else. [u][b]Fayette Mountains, Frontier town of Cherac 3:37 A.M.[/b][/u] Two soldiers patrolled the town outskirts, slowly meandering their way through the low brush the dotted the foothills before the true mountains. Their rifles lay slung across their backs, the two men talking in excited tones as they made a routine round. As they stopped to kill some time, conversing over what had happened just last night, their turned their heads to the tree line to their right. A curious noise had drawn their attention, followed by the glinting of metal in the dancing light of their towns bonfire. The two soldiers stood in awe as this flying object made its way to just before the tree line. With unequalled grace, it slowed, and then proceed to descend to the ground. The object opened up, revealing large imposing figures to spring forth from its bowels. Theses beings, these gray metal clad creatures, were a sight to truly behold. The two soldiers took a few steps backward, unsure of how to proceed at such an event. They had yet to even think of drawing their weapons, still standing on their usual dirt path looking with complete awe at what was unfolding before them. It must be a sign, an omen of the gods. The two soldiers looked at one another, before looking back at the new beings. Their gray metal was only broken by a yellow glass like device covering where they could only assume faces would be. One of the soldiers tripped and fell back as these beings unslung what could only be assumed to be weapons. His compatriot quickly helped him up, both of them backing up, not sure whether to run, or to bow before such beacons of the gods. As the two soldiers talked hurriedly in low tones, the object that held these beings closed back up. With a low rumble, and a rush of air, the soldier’s covers were knocked off as this object took to the skies once more. It would turn as though it were some mythical being, a chariot of the angels, perhaps. Before they could figure out where it was going, the beings had begun to move towards them, and towards the town behind them. The two men turned and ran, running for the fort that sat in the town square to rouse no doubt their commanding officer. Within a few minutes, the local garrison was roused, by the sounds of a ringing bell. A mustachioed man came stumbling out of the fort, into the town square, standing off a ways from the low burning fire. He wore no top, the straps for his suspenders at his sides, rather than over his shoulders. He held a revolver in his right hand, though not pointed at anyone in particular. His eyes widened as he saw these beings, clad in their armor the refracted the rays of the firelight. “I… I am Captain Reynald, commander of this garrison, and prot…protector of the town of Cherac. Who… who are you… what are you…” He stopped speaking, stepping forwards a bit more, to better see these newcomers. He could not believe what he was seeing. The garrison behind him was watching from their battlements, weapons drawn, but not aimed. They too were in awe, and unsure as what to do. The looked among each other, and then to their commander. In a low voice… Captain Reynald, a religious man, spoke to himself aloud. “These must be disciples of the gods… angels no doubt. I… I must not offend them.” He turned to his men, and the people that were looking on from the corners of buildings, and from behind objects… “These must be the angels we saw… that is the only explanation…” He turned about quickly, and slowly sank to his knees, and bowed before the beings. Following his lead, the soldiers and people of Cherac followed suit, and bowed before the newcomers, believing them to be angels of their gods. [u][b]Hollie, Capital of Nouvelle 6:39 A.M.[/b][/u] A dog barked excitedly at the sky, its owner having been mesmerized by the object that had landed itself in the city’s trade district. He turned, to see what his companion was barking at. His mouth went agape as he saw an even large object begin to descend from the heavens above. Even in the growing light of the morning sun, the dazzling blue of object was still very vibrant and breathtaking. He began to move, running alongside his dog as the two exited the western park, the biggest in all of Hollie. He was among a dozen or so early birds who had woken to see the rising sun, and all of them moved to get out from underneath this new object. Even as he ran, the object was breathtaking. Beautiful, large, artful, and the most dazzling white that could only compare to newly fallen snow. He stopped running when he felt he was safely away, finding himself standing in a side street that ran away from the park. This object was adorned with strange symbols, readable, but, to the man, they did not make sense. He continued to look on as his dog barked excitedly. The round lights blinked in an almost mesmerizing manner, but were just another factor of the beauty that made this ship. The man was right in his assumption. The object that had been quietly hovering, aside from a low hum, began to make its way to settling directly over the western park. The object grew in size as it further descended, making its way to land within the confines of the park. The object seemed to float with an unseen force, as though it were imbued with the power of the gods. It finally landed, the vibrant grasses beneath the object moving wildly from the object’s downward motion. Whether it touched the ground, or merely hovered above it, could not be discerned, especially from the man with his dog. He took a few steps back, as this object rested, because a door opened up, revealing four beings striding forth into the light. In their hands were some sort of weapon like object, but he could not be sure. He moved farther back, just to be on the safe side. He now knelt beside his companion, calming the dog as it sat back, looking from his master, to the new beings that had appeared from this surely divine object. The man looked back to the beings, trying to discern what they looked like. Their clothing was bizarre and different from what the man was accustomed to. He noticed the odd pattern that adorned their clothes. Green blobs all over the place, different shades of it, like some chaotic child’s painting. Nothing like the flowing colors of the police and military uniforms he had seen of his people. Their heads had some sort of band about them, with a blue glow coming from their right eyes. He shook his head in disbelief, unsure if he were truly seeing this, or if he were merely dreaming. The last thing, oddly enough, was the abundance of pockets on these beings clothing. It was though their clothes were designed to hold everything that a rucksack could hold. How odd. The four beings had since made their way into the cobbled streets of Nouvelle, aiming their weapons, or whatever they carried towards the upper floors of the surrounding buildings. With some sort of divine power, or whatever, these four individuals quickly flew up and away from where they once stood, and towards the palace, some eight blocks away. The man and his dog looked on with awe, watching the four sail away from where they knelt. People that were begging their day stood still, watching these four figures zoom over head on their grappling hook like devices. People looked up and pointed, children laughing and running along, while parents chased after their own, and chided them for being so foolish. Some people dropped to the knees and bowed before these beings that made their way to the palace before them. Even the guards along the palace walls could not believe what they were seeing. Some were focused on the object that had landed in the trade district, while others had forgotten that held weapons, looking at these acrobatic beings. The men all looked up in awe as the four soared over the walls, and up onto a third floor balcony of the palace proper. It was then the guards remembered that they were sworn to protect the palace, and their beloved queen. They sprang into action, begging to mobilize themselves, waking up those that slept, and ringing the bells of distress. High above the walls, in a third floor room, minor nobles slept, exhausted from all the hubbub from the night before. The five shared a room, the two women sharing a bed, with the three men sprawled about on the couches and floor. They all awoke to a resounding thud against their balcony window. This thud was shortly followed by the sound of breaking glass, and then another softer thud. In an alarm, they shouted for their personal guards, the women leaping up in their night clothes to hide behind the soldiers who came running in. The guards their weapons at the ready. Some had swords, others their halberds. Two officers had revolvers and swords at the ready. The door swung slowly inwards, revealing four curiously dressed beings. They were oddly similar to the Nouvellians, but a light shade of pink, or perhaps a peach color. Odd, was what all the Nouvellians though as one. The two noble women moved to cover themselves with robes, while the guards moved to slightly spread out, and not be so bunched up. These beings, these newcomers, were certainly not from here. They could be agents of the gods, angels, or perhaps another form of the divine. Still, the guards knew they would have to be ready to defend their unarmed comrades. To their surprise, the being with more effeminate features strode forth, and let her weapon fall to the ground, her moves completely non-threatening. This show of good faith, the guards lowered their weapons as well, but not completely put away. The Nouvellians listened intently to the being speak. They found her, as they all conclude that this being was a she, had a very odd dialect of the Nouvellian language. Almost similar, but, more… proper, or perhaps lacking some words. Either way, they continued to listen, wanting to hear all she had to say. She spoke fast, with an authoritative tone, but not threatening. Her hands would move as she spoke, gesturing to key points in her dialogue. She finally finished, her words having been sincere and truthful no doubt. The gathered Nouvellians conversed amongst themselves, speaking in a lower as to hopefully not enlighten these new beings as to what their thoughts were. A few moments would pass, before they all would turn to these beings from the planet Terra. One of the guards stepped forward, having more stripes on his uniform. “We greet you with respect… distant visitors. We apologize for our… surprise to when you arrived, and your methods of entering our capital, and our palace. It is of no disrespect that we have our weapons drawn. I am Sergeant Caudill, of the Royal Guards 2nd Platoon. Normally, such wishes to see our Queen may be directed to a higher ranking official, but, this is most important, and no doubt she would be honored to speak with you all.” Sgt. Caudill placed his weapons back on his side, before gesturing for the four beings of Terra to follow him and the guards. The guards held their weapons at ease, those with swords sheathing them, while those with their spears and halberds held them up and away. “We will be escorting you to the throne room. If it pleases you, as it is a matter of great respect for us, could you be so kind as to bow before our Queen? She is a kind and gentle woman, but, it is best to remember that she is a queen, and us, are her subjects. You are our guests, and will be treated with the utmost respect, but, still, this is one thing that we ask…” He smiled, before continuing, “And, our Queen is young, so, don’t be surprised when you see her.” Sgt. Caudill finished, before hurrying off to fetch the Queen. The beings of Terra were left to stand before a relatively empty throne room. At its center stood a carved white and purple marble throne. Two massive birds were carved into the arms of this throne, while a massive sun was emblazoned in its back, joined by a smaller planet, and then two moons, with Nouvelle in the center beneath the sun. A red-purple cloth decorated the seat of the throne, is stitching visible even from where the beings of Terra stood. A few more minutes would pass before a door would be heard opening up behind the throne, followed by the sound of rushing footsteps. “All those in attendance, esteemed members of the Planet Terra, I present to you, her grace, the Royal Divine descendants of Lord Tem’plar, Queen and Protector of Nouvelle, Her Majesty, Queen Sabine of the House Rouverte.” Sgt. Caudill called out, bowing deeply after doing so. The queen strode into view, her long flowing hair worn about her shoulders, her clothing simple yet elegant. It was clear she had been awoken within the last few minutes, and hurriedly made her way to the throne room. Her head was adorned by a beautiful red-gold crown with deep purple gems. She smiled to her guests, bowing her head slightly to them, before seating herself upon her throne. “I am told you needed to speak with me, esteemed guests… I am honored to have you here… I do apologize for my… my people’s reaction to you, and my dishevelment. I must seem like some rag tag person. Please, speak what is on your minds. You will find that my court is open to all who would speak truthfully and honestly.” Sabine smiles brightly at her guests, eagerly awaiting their words on the matter. Her face was young, compared to many about her. Her skin flawless and smooth, with her hair a deep black, with tinges of deep crimson red throughout it. Her eyes shone brightly, and her teeth bright and perfect. One could assume that she was very excited for this moment. [u][b]The Skies above Planet Nouvelle[/b][/u] With all the flurry of the happenings going on in the capital, three frontier towns, another object appeared in the heaven above this moon world. Barely visible to the naked eye, it could only be another disciple of the angels and gods. Or something else. Only time would tell.