[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64701/posts/ooc?page=9#post-2021684][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/cait_zpsb0ee51e0.png][/url][/center] Caitlin stopped immediately upon hearing a familiar voice call out to her, and she grinned widely in greeting as the Ravenclaw walked beside her. "David!" she exclaimed happily, briefly leaning in for a quick one-armed hug. He was a welcome sight, and his presence helped distract her from imagining increasingly grim (and highly implausible, not that her panicked mind realized this) scenarios that always ended with her getting thrown off the train. She blinked in confusion as David mentioned something about not acknowledging him, and it took her a moment to realize what he had meant. Thinking back on it, there were five people in that compartment, but she had willingly chosen to block out the fifth member just because she didn't like the implication. "So that was you with those two," she said, eyes unconsciously narrowing at the mention of his fellow Ravenclaws. "I was hoping not. I don't want them influencing you too much." It's not like she actually hated the two, though; it was more a… slight dislike by association or something like that. But whatever it was she felt, she knew that wouldn't have been the case if only they hadn't played around with her friends. "But that doesn't matter. It's really good to see you again!" Caitlin said, perking up again as she changed topics. After taking a moment to gently pat Singer on the head, she continued walking along the corridor, still searching for a proper compartment that wasn't too full with people or animals. Since they were so close to departing, it was getting harder to find an empty one. David had then started talking about that project of his that he'd been working on for as long as she knew him, and his infectious excitement got her all keyed up as well. She was always glad to hear his progress. "Oh, that looks familiar," she said after examining his drawing for a good half a minute. It was a little harder to identify because it was hand drawn, but she made the connection eventually. She didn't know what it was called, but she has definitely come across it before. Caitlin hopped excitedly. "I think I know where it's located. Mum pointed it out to me before. I can take you there—" Caitlin stopped abruptly, hand instinctively moving up to clutch at David's sleeve while he had an encounter with a Slytherin. An odd sensation had washed over her, sending something like a foreboding chill down her spine, and it could only mean one thing: they were about to depart. Her ears perked at the distant sound of the train slowly roaring to life, and her face paled immediately. Caitlin pulled at David's sleeve, urging him to move faster, the frenetic look on her face enough to let him know what was up with her. "We should probably sit," was all she could say as she stumbled inside the nearest compartment, not even bothering to check if others had already claimed it. She just really needed to not be standing when the train moves, or bad things might happen and she didn't know if her shoes, or the corridor floors, could survive it. Once inside, Caitlin slunk down in the seat and took deep, calming breaths that helped stabilize her stomach for the moment. She turned to David, desperately needing a good distraction. "So how was your summer?"