[b]A few hours ago...[/b] --- [i]“You are as a rock, silent and unmoving. But when the moment arrives, strike fast like lightning. Be brave and act quick.”[/i] This quote was one of the few things Bogdan remebered about his father, beyond this, there were the hunting trips. Vlad Matisky, whom now was nothing more than faint shapes for the adult Bogdan, was insistent bringing his son along on his hunts. Bogdan could remember stalking and observing a buck behind a giant pine tree, the very same pine he hid behind at this very moment. Coincidentally, the animal in the clearing felt like the same deer he saw his father killed a decade ago. Every movement of Vlad was pin-point precise, he would lay prone for hours without moving, and at the blink of an eye, impale the arrow in the deer's forehead. To this day, Bogdan tried in vain to imitate the hunter from his youth. His hands slowly bushed the quiver, snatching an arrow and stringed it inline with his right eye. As quiet as his heavy boots could allow, Bogdan swung into the opening, bow fully drawn and then let loose. With sharp [i]swoosh[/i] sound, the arrow flew through the midst of the buck's antlers. The deer, who was previously carelessly grazing on fallen leaves, bounced away into the forest. Bogdan shook his head in disappointment, it was his third encounter with this sly creature, and just as before, his arrows never found their marks. A soft whine sounded from behind, Svarli, the old husky, softly scattered to Bogdan's feet. A few years ago, Svarli would have aided his master, Stanislav, in traveling through the mountains. He was just a puppy when Stanislav took Bogdan as his apprentice. Throughout the years, the silver-furred dog often led his masters through the woods, eager to discover the forest. Now, the hound was a bit too old for that task. That was not to say Svarli lost his enthusiasm, no, he still perked with excitement every time Bogdan set out from the village. It was just that he could hardly outrun his masters anymore; instead, he merely sat with Bogdan, in ways similar to an old companion. “You feeling cold boy?” Bogdan reached down and petted Svarli, whom responded with quizzing look. It was a sign urging for return, for Svarli had, and still have a keen sense for danger. “Let's go back home, you deserve a good meal at the Solstice.” --- [b]Now[/b] --- The tavern buzzed with joy of the festival, and Svarli was happily waggling his tail beside Bogdan's chair. In the distance, Chiduka was telling a fairy tale to whoever would listen. For a brief second, he thought about her and Vasily, whom he saw earlier with his daughter. It was common for men and women of his age to marry, if not already having children. In fact, many of Bogdan's childhood friends married at his age. His work in the village distanced him from finding romance, a task he simply never concerned himself with until last year. In his travel to the foot of the mountains, he had taken interest in a girl of the town. Unfortunately, her father was rumored to have connections to the Tsar's family, a village folk such as Bogdan would most likely be the last one on the girl's mind. Sighing briefly, Bogdan withdrew himself from the scene. He would not end up heir-less like Chiduka, maybe, just maybe, he will court the girl on his next trading trip. For now, he moved himself near a table of chanting men. They were watching Adrian, once again demonstrating his immense capacity for holding liquor. Bogdan smiled at the group, despite not often interacting with Adrian, he was someone Bogdan liked, and to an extent, a friend. Just as he neared Adrian's table, a terrifying scream and an unnatural aura of darkness swept by the door. “Everyone into the tavern!” Someone shouted above the crowd. All of a sudden, Viktor was harrowing children inside. David and Viktor was abruptly in front of Bogdan, and the entire tavern seemed to have exploded in chaos. “Adrian, David, Viktor. What is happening?”