[indent]Hello, I am GM Maeda, pleasure. Onwards to business[/indent] [center][img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/fa2zuw.jpg[/img] [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_ValC2o4aZw1783968905.jpg[/img] Bleach: Shattered Dimensions, is an RP which features all of the races that were present in the Bleach series, spanning throughout all of the seasons. Character develpoment will be involved, death matches, quick thinking, and an intense pace of a posting scheme. Activity will be required, many rules will be set down, and many people who join will enjoy their time while role-playing within this soon to be prosperous group. [hider=Rules and Regulations][b]+Rules and regulations[/b] [center]Here you will find the rules and guide lines for the group, some of which may be obvious to you. Keep in mind that these rules are subject to change and updates as needed. [b][i]l. Members are to respect one another regardless of rank ll. The chain of command is to be respected lll. GM will not be tolerated, avoid giving your character abilities, or weapons that step into such a realm lV. Nothing OP(Over Powered), it is a roleplaying no no V. There will be no Auto-hitting. Attempts to land an attack can always be made, keep this in mind. Vl. No Meta-gaming, know the difference between theorizing based upon actual evidence and magically knowing what is taking place as if you posses some manner of clairvoyance. Keep in mind your character's experience and intellect when trying to ascertain one's possible motives in battle or rp. Vll. Unless using some type of cloning system your character cannot be in more then one place, so do not try to post being in multiple thread locations at once. Vlll. Keep RP and OOC separate, do not let OOC drama affect and cross over into your character's actions, thoughts and motives in RP. lX. No one beneath 3rd seat will be allowed to have Bankai X. There will be no Ichigo's in this group. This means no, you cannot be a Shinigami with Hollow and Quincy Powers, or a Quincy with Shinigami and Hollow Powers or anything of the sort. The only hybrids within this group will be the Visoreds and Fullbringers.[/i][/b] More to come...[/center][/hider] [hider=Rank and Request][b]+Rank and request[/b] [center]Here the ranks and military structure of the group will be outlined. Requests can be made but keep in mind it is ultimately the Division's Captain's decision of where you rank at within his or her squad. [b]First Division - - - - - - - - Second Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Third Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Fourth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Fifth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Sixth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Seventh Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Eight Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Ninth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Tenth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Eleventh Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Twelfth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - Thirteenth Division Taicho - Fuku-Taicho - - - - - For all Hollow kind, Espada choose who their Numeros are, if they choose to have any at all. Lorde - Cero Espada - Primera Espada - Segunda Espada - Tres Espada - Cuatro Espada - Quinto Espada - Sexta Espada - Septima Espada - Octava Espada - Noveno Espada - Privaron Espada - - - - - Numeros - - - - - The Rank structure for the Wandenreich or Quincy are as followed Quincy King - Sternritter - - - - - - - - - - Jagdarmee - - - - - - Soldat - - - - - -[/b][/center][/hider] [hider=Academy Information and Results][img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_jCgNVbV8MZ1985105872.png[/img] Welcome to Shin’o Academy, where those souls gifted with high spiritual energy are trained to become shinigami before moving on to the ranks of one of the three military branches of Soul Society. Located amidst Seireitei, the Academy was founded by Genryusai Shigekuno Yamamoto. It is where young shinigami are given the basics needed to survive as a shinigami. Academy students are also given an Ausauchi, the weapon that will eventually become their zanpakuto. Female academy students uniform consists of a red hakuma and a white top with a red stripe down each sleeve with circular emblems over each breast with a red undershirt. The male counterpart is the same as the female’s with the exception of the red being replaced with blue. Both wear white socks with sandals. [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_JOzAvOnPv0286776856.png[/img] Curriculum [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_JOzAvOnPv0286776856.png[/img] Four Major Shinigami Combat Forms Hakuda Hakuda (白打, White Hits) is a close-combat style of fighting, in which one is unarmed and uses only one's body, and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. Captain Suì-Fēng of the 2nd Division excels in this style. High-speed Taijutsu (体術, Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It seems to be a combination of several martial arts. Hoho Hohō (歩法, Step Method; Viz "Fast Movement") is the name given to one of the four combat skills of the Shinigami and relates to footwork. Hohō is an important skill for most Shinigami, and is one of their four basic fighting styles. The agility and speed of Hohō can be enhanced and improved through concentration, training, and mastery of it. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukidō. Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps) is the greatest expression of the Hohō technique. However, there are variations even within Shunpo which only master Hohō practitioners can use. Kido Kidō (鬼道, Demon/Spirit Way; Viz "Soul Reaper's powers"/"Spells"; sometimes translated as "Demon Arts") is a form of Shinigami combat based on advanced spells. These spells are produced with strong Reiryoku and fall into two categories: Hadō for direct attacks, and Bakudō for battle support. It is one of the techniques in the Zankensoki, the group of Shinigami primary combat skills. Kidō spells are triggered by an incantation. Experienced users can trigger them without an incantation, though the effectiveness of the spell will be diminished. There are three main types of Kidō: binding spells, destruction spells, and healing spells. Bakudō (縛道, Way of Binding) Supplementary spells which can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike. They may seem subtle, but these spells can give their users a tactical advantage when used properly.These are a broad category of defensive spells which block/repel attacks or freezes enemies in place. This class of spells include Kidō Barriers & Seals. Barriers (結界, Kekkai): Focused spiritual energy formed into a solid form of energy. This energy can take on many shapes or colors as determined by the user. Barriers are protective in nature, and can be as simple as a barrier only protecting one direction or encompassing all sides of an area. Barriers can be used for containment, and some barriers can be used offensively. Barriers can mask spiritual pressure and can make one spiritually and physically invisible. The strength of a barrier is dependent upon the power of the user. Weak barriers are easily breakable, while strong ones can last for centuries. Barriers created by noble blood are said to be unbreakable by those of lesser status. Certain barriers can be placed beforehand and activated later, while others require certain artifacts and time to activate. Seals (封, Fū): Somewhat similar to barriers, but far more powerful and require far more preparation to create. Seals can only be used by those of sufficient spiritual power being who are meant to hold the most powerful and/or dangerous artifacts or beings. Seals are usually hard to break. Hadō (破道, Way of Destruction) Offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy. Their effectiveness differs depending on the user. It is said the effectiveness of the higher-ranked spells are beyond imagination. Gisei Hadō (犠牲破道, Sacrificial Way of Destruction): A particular offensive spell like Ittō Kasō that requires the user to sacrifice a certain portion of themselves in order use it. Kaidō (回道, Turn Way) Also known as healing Kidō (治療用鬼道, chiryōyō kidō). These spells do not have known names, numbers, or incantations to cast, and simply heal the target. As the user holds his/her hands above the patient's wounds, his/her palms glow with green spiritual energy to facilitate healing. When one heals with regular healing kidō, they perform Reiatsu restoration first. By doing so, one can attempt to recover the physical body using the patient's restored reiatsu and the healer's external reiatsu. Therefore, restoring the reiatsu when the physical body is in a fully healed state is no trouble at all. Zanjutsu Zanjutsu (斬術, Swordsmanship; Viz "Art of the Sword"; Cutting Technique) is the fighting style for the Zanpakutō (i.e. sword fighting) and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. It is shameful for a Shinigami to not master at least this technique. It is the specialty of Captain Kenpachi Zaraki of the 11th Division. [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_JOzAvOnPv0286776856.png[/img] Soul Burial All students will be required to know how to perform a soul burial. Konsō (魂葬, Soul Burial): the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses in the Human World to Soul Society if they are good in life or Hell if their life was full of evil acts (such as murders, theft, etc.). Konsō is performed by using the hilt of the Shinigami's Zanpakutō, tapping the soul on their forehead and transporting them to the afterlife. Zanpakutou Zanpakutō are the trademark weapons of the Shinigami. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are among the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows. Each Shinigami carries a Zanpakutō, and each Zanpakutō is unique: the swords are reflections of a Shinigami's power and soul, and sentient beings unto themselves. The Zanpakutō's name is the name of the living spirit which empowers the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it. These beings can vary greatly in appearance, and have their own distinct personalities, which match their owner's. A Zanpakutō's shape and abilities are based on their Shinigami's soul. Once a Shinigami learns his/her sword's name, they can communicate with one another and grow stronger together. Zanpakutō are born with their Shinigami, and they die along with their Shinigami. Shinigami use them in battle as a reflection of their heart. When released, they can display a vibrant power. They are one with the Shinigami, and they share a Shinigami's conviction. Inside each Zanpakutō is an incarnation which manifests itself upon the Zanpakutō's transformation. Academy students will need to learn how to communicate with their Zanpakuto and try to learn the name. [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_JOzAvOnPv0286776856.png[/img] Assignments 1 Watch the first twenty episodes of Bleach or read the first seventy chapters of the manga.(Not Graded) 2 Seek out one of the Senseis, and take the entrance exam. 3 Study the four combat skills used by shinigami and decide what style of fighter your charater will be. Write out a paragraph or two explaining your character's fighting style and add that to your bio. Visit the Shinigami bio page and look at the format. Add a section to your bio for each of the four combat skills that mimics your fighting style. As an academy student, the highest level reached is expert. If one chooses to be an expert, it means that they would devote most of their time to learning that skill, so they would be at Novice levels for the other three. If a character is a Practitioner at two of the skills, the other two are at Novice level. Depending on how one does through the Academy, these skills will be changed at graduation. This activity is meant to give your character a solid foundation and put them on a path for future development. Let a sensei know when you have completed this assignment. 4 Work out the basics of your zanpakuto, what is expected is on the shinigami bio page. Leave the information on Bankai blank as that will be worked out later. Edit your bio accordingly and notify a sensei. While you are at it, fill in the Reiatsu information as well. 5 The final assignment has two parts to it. The first part is to write out a small paragraph that is your goal for your character. What division do you want to be in? What rank do you want to achieve? And why? Add this paragraph to your Bio as a goal, you may also include any other personal goals for you character as well. The second part of the assignment is to write a proper entrance into the role play of your character entering the proper division barracks and presenting yourself to the Captain. Be mindful of what is already occurring in the barracks and enter your character in a way that is logical and flows with the role play. The Captain will give you your rank in his reply. [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_JOzAvOnPv0286776856.png[/img] Grades There is no way to flunk out of the academy. These assignments are as much for your benefit as they are for us to gauge your abilities. As you finish your assignments, your grades will be posted below on a report card. Each of the four graded assignments will be given in a percentage from zero to one hundred. Those four grades are then added together and the total number is used to divy out as your percentages for the offensive, defensive, mobility, kido, intelligence and physical strength portion of your bio. If at anytime you are unclear on anything, feel free to contact one of the senseis to answer your queries. Anyone caught mocking anthers' grades will be demoted, immediately. On occasion, highly talented Shinigami may be admitted to a division, or even granted a seated position with a division before completing the full curriculum, or partake in missions with a division. [img]http://userimages-akm.imvu.com/userdata/40/83/37/90/userpics/Snap_jCgNVbV8MZ1985105872.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Shinigami Biography Template]�Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� Character Name: Actual Age: How old is your character(Shinigami and Spiritual beings can live for hundreds of years)? Physical Age: How old does your character appear to be? Race: Shinigami/Vizard Birthday: Timeline will be A.D. Gender: Male/Female [b]Height: Weight: Blood Type: Affiliation: Visored/Gotei 13/ Seretei/ Soul Society/Onmitsukido/Human World/ Urahoro Town Title: Captain Commander/Captain/Vice-Captain(Lieutenant)/Seated Member/Kido Corps Commander Occupation: Guard/Scientist/Medic/ReporterHead of Noble Family, Kido Corps Member/President of Research and Development Institution/Head of the Onmitsukido/Head of the Detention Unit/Shino Academy Instructor Division: What Squad or Division are you in? Division Team: If you changed Squads what was your previous Squad? Partner(s): Who do you mainly work with? Base of Operations: Seretei/Soul Society/Visored Warehouse/Urahoro Town/Human World/ Division HQ/Maggots Nest/Dangai/Shino Academy Notable Features: It is here where you will put down any notable features about your Character Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? Relatives: Does your character have any relatives? Zanjutsu Level: The fighting style for the Zanpakuto and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. It is shameful for a Shinigami not to master at least this technique. Practitioner- A practitioner holds only a basic understanding of swordsmanship, having little to no skill in the art. These are generally the common academy students upon first entering into the academy, novices at best. Specialist- Swordsmanship specialists are those that specialize in the use of swords during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in swordsmanship as well. All seated officers of the Gotei 13 have to possess at the very least this level of skill. Expert- An Expert swordsman is highly skilled using their Zanpakuto while sealed or in its Shikai. Most lieutenants are experts, since they must know Shikai and have mastered it to a degree, so as to be promoted. This applies also to some higher seated officers as well and in some cases to captains who even though possibly having attained their Bankai, don't commonly engage in swordsmanship as their desired form of combat. Master- Master Swordsmanship Specialists vary greatly by power and technique. The criteria for a master is simple; one must have masterful skill in swordsmanship above all else. The attainment of this level of skill is a testament to the wielder's power and determination. Most Shinigami Captains are masters, since as the heads of their divisions, they are the true military power of Soul Society. As use of the Zanpakuto is the Shinigami's primary form of combat, it is preferable to have mastered skill in order achieve the rank of captain though mastery is not excluded to them or even to Shinigami. Shunpo Level: The name given to one of the four combat skills of the Shinigami and relates to footwork. Hoho is an important skill for most Shinigami, and is one of their four basic fighting styles. The agility and speed of Hoho can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukido. Shunpo (Flash steps) is the greatest expression of the Hoho technique. However, there are variations even within Shunpo that only master Hoho practitioners can use. No Shunpo- Those in this category possesses no skill for Hoho and instead rely on walking to get where they need to be or have trained extensively to enhance their natural speed to a level allowing them move considerably fast though decidedly under that of Shunpo. Practitioner- Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time, by seemingly taking only a few steps to bridge what would normally be a large distances. Those who are practitioners commonly use their knowledge of Hoho while engaging in combat to close the space between combatants. Those practitioners that maintain these high speeds for too long tend to become winded. Expert- Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others but none the less their application of the technique is highly advanced. Master- Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest beings within Soul Society.
They are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time while only using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements. Masters are capable of using Advanced steps which are considerably harder to initiate. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.
(Note only those who have trained and achieved mastery either stated or shown, outside any advantage they gain from Shikai, Bankai or otherwise are included in this listing). Hakuda Level: A close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body, and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. High-speed Taijutsu (Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It also seems to be a combination of several martial arts. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukido. Novices- Hakuda novices are those that have just began to learn the basics of the art such as Academy students and those that are not versed in the fighting style. Practitioner- Casual users of this art can take on average armed opponents. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Capable enough in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Practitioners aren't the most likely to engage in hand-to-hand combat on average but they can use it as an option. Combatant- Average users of this art can take on average armed opponents and put up a pretty decent effort against those many times their size. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Expert- Experts of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. Those of this level are among the seated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. While not masters, an Expert is more than capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation. Master- Masters of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. The 2nd Division captain and their 3rd seat, or head of the Detention Unit, are most often the premier masters. In particular, the Detention Unit head must prove their mastery of Hakuda to even be considered for the position. This is because the Detention Unit's prison, the Maggots' Nest, is a weapons-free zone. Anyone who enters must be able to, or be under the protection of one able to, completely protect themselves with only their bare hands. Kido Skill Level: Novice- Academy students and those not talented in the use of Kido. They generally require absolute focus as well as the repetition of a full incantation in order to produce the desired effect. Those at this level of mastery, or lack thereof, results in as many successful Kido as it does unsuccessful attempts. Practitioner- More skilled than a Novice, this is typically an expected level of a lower seated member of most Divisions, the exception being the 11th Division. Failures drop significantly while the concentration needed is less than that of a novice. While the incantation is still needed, some are able to cast severely weakened Kido without one. At this level, only lower ranked Kido are available for use. Specialist- One who specializes in the use of Kido, those at this level are able to pull off powerful Kido with incantations as well as cast fairly strong versions without. Generally speaking this level is for higher seated officers of most divisions(11th again being an exception). Lower ranked Kido are stronger while mid ranked kido are able to be used. Expert- A Kido expert is one able to near flawlessly cast powerful kido without an incantation. When an incantation is used the power of their kido increases noticeably. Low to mid ranked kido increase in effectiveness while higher ranked Kido become available for use. Usually limited to Lt., Captain and Kido Corp members. Master- A true master of Kido is able to shirk off the limits of incantations, able to cast even higher level Kido with little to no effort. All level of Kido are available for use, several times more effective than that of the previous level. When incantations are aded to their Kido, a Master is able to preform devastating and awe-inspiring feats. Typically only captain ranked individuals or high ranking members of the Kido Corps are found to be of this caliber. Reiryoku Level: A power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Shinigami to provide power for their various feats and to effectively channel the powers of their Zanpakuto. It can also be used to cast Kido, magic spells created by the Shinigami. Reiryoku can even be coalesced into a physical form and thrown or shot as a projectile. As a display of potency, spiritual beings have the ability to incapacitate the opponent's movement and simultaneously frighten them, by means of dispersing Reiryoku into the air. The aforementioned ability is known as Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure), possessing power that could be literally felt within the atmosphere. Average- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking seated and non seated members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals. High- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average lieutenant rank and high ranked seated officers. Great- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank. Immense- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees. Vast- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual energy which is wild and untamed. This level of spiritual power has a possible tendency to leak from a person or when released can affect the surrounding area in a destructive way. Those of this level have no actual masterful control over their massive spiritual power, as it can affect those around them unintentionally. Reiatsu: The physical force/pressure that a person�s Reiryoku creates when released. Most Shinigami and Arrancar, and Quincy can manipulate the release of their reiatsu. The difference between spiritual pressure and spiritual energy is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person�s Reiryoku exerts. The difference is much like energy and power. Power being the amount of energy exerted per unit of time. Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Spirit Energy by possessing greater Spiritual Pressure. Reiatsu Colors: Different Spirits have different colors of reiatsu, solely determined by the Character's personality. Reiatsu Shape: Some Characters have a shape or manifestation of their energy whenever they release enough of it.(Only fill this portion out if it applies to you, if not omit this from your bio) Reiatsu Effect(s): (These effects are found only in the Reiatsu of Lt. and Captain level Shinigami) Fear- Reiatsu at its most basic level can instill fear in others when it is very high. Stunning- High level spiritual power can cause those of lower power to be stunned by simply being in the presence of a high level spiritual being. Paralysis- When a spiritual being of high reiatsu chooses to they can paralyze an opponent just by focusing pressure through their stare or presence. Phantom Pain- High Level of Spiritual pressure can make an opponent feel as though they are being attacked though nothing is physically happening to them. Damage- In some instances releasing enough reiatsu in one burst can cause burns, cuts or shockwaves. Killing- In high enough quantities, spiritual pressure can be lethal to others, especially those with weak or no reiatsu of their own. Reiatsu Type: Standard Type- The type most spiritual beings have that can hold any of the aforementioned effects, along with its unique color and feeling. Dual Type- All Visored and Arrancar have this specific reiatsu. For Visored they feel more like Shinigami, while Arrancar feel more like Hollows. When releasing their Hollow powers Visoreds feel more like Hollows. Element Type- Unique type of reiatsu that holds elemental properties Skills and Abilities: Any noteworthy attributes about your Character shall be listed here Inventions: Have you invented a device or perhaps a unique type of kido or unique kido spell? Equipment: What does your character carry on them? Zanpakuto Name: State the name of your Zanpakuto Zanpakuto Appearance: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto in its sealed state(unless your Zanpakuto is a constantly released type). Include information such as wear and how it is worn, size and blade type. Also state the name of your Zanpakuto here. Zanpakuto Spirit: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto and its personality Inner World: Describe the appearance of your Inner world and its inner workings Release Phrase: What is the Incantation used to release your Zanpakuto into its Shikai? Shikai: Shikai Special Ability: Bankai: Bankai Special Ability: Inner Hollow: (NOTE: This portion of the format applies only if your character is a Vizard, if not one omit from your bio)Describe the appearance and personality of the hollow restrained within you. Hollow Mask: Describe the appearance of your mask and how you don it. Cero: Describe the color of your cero and how it is fired Hollow Augmentations: Offense: 1-100% Defense: 1-100% Mobility: 1-100% Kido: 1-100% Intelligence: 1-100% Physical Strength: 1-100% Total: ???/600 Likes: Non-Mandatory Dislikes: Non-Mandatory Favorite Food(s): Non-Mandatory Seretei Communication Column: Have you Submitted any columns in the SCC? If so what were they about? Biography:[/hider] [hider=Hollow/Arrancar/Espada Biography Template]�Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� Character Name: Actual Age: How old is your character(Arrancar and Spiritual beings can live for hundreds of years)? Alias:Are you know by any other names/titles/epithets? Name Meaning: Aspect of Death: (Typically for Espada, they will have priority on choosing an aspect.) Physical Age: How old does your character appear to be? Race: Arrancar Birthday: Timeline will be A.D. Gender: Male/Female Height: Weight: Blood Type: Affiliation: Las Noches/Forest Of Menos/Other/Unaffiliated. Title: Arrancar Queen/Commander/Espada/Numero/Privaron Espada Number: (Please wait to be assigned one) Occupation: Scientist/Medic/Guard/other Espada: Which Espada do you serve(For Fraccion Only) Former Espada: If you once served a former Espada. Partner(s): Who do you mainly work with? Fraccion: Name your Fraccion.(For Espada Only) Base of Operations: Urahoro Town/Human World/Las Noches/Los Perdidos/Forest of Menos/Catacombs/Hueco Mundo Desert Notable Features: It is here where you will put down any notable features about your Character Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? Relatives: Does your character have any relatives? Zanjutsu Level: The fighting style for the Zanpakuto and is one of the basic fighting styles of the Arrancar. All arrancar are expected to have some knowledge of Zanjutsu. Practitioner- A practitioner holds only a basic understanding of swordsmanship, having little to no skill in the art. These are generally newly created or weak numeros, novices at best. Specialist- Swordsmanship specialists are those that specialize in the use of swords during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in swordsmanship as well. All Fraccion are expected to be at this level. Expert- An Expert swordsman is highly skilled using their Zanpakuto while sealed or in Resurreccion if applicable. Fraccion and Espada which do not use their Zanpakuto regularly in combat are typically of this level.. Master- Master Swordsmanship Specialists vary greatly by power and technique. The criteria for a master is simple; one must have masterful skill in swordsmanship above all else. The attainment of this level of skill is a testament to the wielder's power and determination. Most Espada are found to be Masters of Zanjutsu as they are the strongest Arrancar in Las Noches. As use of the Zanpakuto is the Arrancar�s primary form of combat, it is preferable to have mastered skill in order achieve the rank of Espada. Sonido Level: While somewhat similar to Hoho in regards to function and speed, Sonido appears to be more instinctual, seemingly requiring no previous knowledge to perform. It also produces a different sound; rather than the swishing or sometimes silent Shunpo of the Shinigami, Sonido makes a booming or static noise. Though the technique is exhibited by most Arrancar, the proficiency with which it can be performed is limited only by the individual. Practitioner- Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time, by seemingly taking only moments to bridge what would normally be a large distances. Those who are practitioners commonly use their knowledge of Sonido while engaging in combat to close the space between combatants. Numerso generally exhibit this speed level along with some Fraccion. Expert- Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others but none the less their application of the technique is highly advanced. Higher level Fraccion and some Espada generally exhibit this level of Sonido. Master- Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest beings within Hueco Mundo. They are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time while crossing vast distances in little time. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence. Rarely, the ability to create afterimages(Gemelo Sonido) is exhibited though their number is limited. Most Espada and on rare occasions a Fraccion or two will find themselves at this level. 
(Note: To gain Gemelos Sonido you must be approved for it. Furthermore, any unique variation/effect to Sonido must be previously approved and is limited to masters. Only one Espada will be granted the title of Fastest Sonido and the ability to create up to five afterimages, all others approved for Gemelos Sonido can only create up to 3.) Hand to hand Combat Level: A close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body. High-speed Taijutsu (Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It also seems to be a combination of several martial arts. Unlike Hakuda used by the Shinigami, the Arrancar are able to engage in more offensive maneuvers as their Hierro will protect them. Novices- Hand to Hand novices are those that have just began to learn the basics of the art such as newly created Numeros. Practitioner- Casual users of this art can take on average armed opponents. Those of this level are among the weaker arrancar, using their hierro to protect them from harm. Practitioners aren't the most likely to engage in hand-to-hand combat on average but they can use it as an option. Combatant- Average users of this art can take on average armed opponents and put up a pretty decent effort against those many times their size. Those of this level are among the stronger Numeros and Fraccion. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Expert- Experts of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before. Those of this level are among the Fraccion and Espada who prefer other forms of combat over this. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. While not masters, an Expert is more than capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation. Master- Masters of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily. A level of mastery normally held by Espada and Fraccion which prefer this form of fighting to others. Using their harder Hierro, they are easily able to take on an armed shinigami. Reiryoku Level/Hierro Strength: A power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Arrancar to provide power for their various feats and to effectively channel the powers of their Zanpakuto. It can also be compressed to fire Bala and Cero. Reiryoku can even be coalesced into a physical form and thrown or shot as a projectile. As a display of potency, spiritual beings have the ability to incapacitate the opponent's movement and simultaneously frighten them, by means of dispersing Reiryoku into the air. The aforementioned ability is known as Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure), possessing power that could be literally felt within the atmosphere. Hierro (Iron) is a defensive Arrancar technique in which the user's reiryoku condenses, creating a steel-hard skin strong enough to block even a Zanpakuto. This allows users to confront some of the sword-wielding Shinigami barehanded. Average- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for weaker Numeros. Those with this level of Reiryoku have a relatively weak Hierro, attacks of those with th same Reiryoku level affecting them at reduced strength. High- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Numero. Hierro of those at this level can shrug off attacks of those with lower Reiryoku Levels while dampening low through high attacks of one with the same level. Great- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst the 10th-6th Espada and some Fraccion. Attacks of those with lower Reiryoku may be shrugged off while those at the same level will find their attacks to cause less damage. Immense- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees. 4th and Higher Espadas hold this level of Hierro, easily being able to sustain repeated attacks of those beneath their level with little consequence. Furthermore, attacks of those at the same level affect them less that they would otherwise. Vast- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual energy which is wild and untamed. This level of spiritual power has a possible tendency to leak from a person or when released can affect the surrounding area in a destructive way. Those of this level have no actual masterful control over their massive spiritual power, as it can affect those around them unintentionally. While holding a near unbreakable Hierro, those of this level find its defensive abilities unreliable at best as their control is lacking. One powerful attack may be shrugged off while the second, of much lower caliber, easily causing fatal damage. (Note: Only one Espada and or higher level Arrancar shall be approved for the title of Strongest Hierro. With it comes the ability to shrug off all but the stronger attacks of one with a similar Reiryoku Level. Unique variations to Hierro must be approved prior to being posted.) Reiatsu: The physical force/pressure that a person�s Reiryoku creates when released. Most Shinigami and Arrancar, and Quincy can manipulate the release of their reiatsu. The difference between spiritual pressure and spiritual energy is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person�s Reiryoku exerts. The difference is much like energy and power. Power being the amount of energy exerted per unit of time. Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Spirit Energy by possessing greater Spiritual Pressure. Reiatsu Colors: Different Spirits have different colors of reiatsu, solely determined by the Character's personality. Reiatsu Shape: Some Characters have a shape or manifestation of their energy whenever they release enough of it.(Only fill this portion out if it applies to you, if not omit this from your bio) Reiatsu Effect(s): (These effects are found only in the Reiatsu of Espada(or Higher rank) and one Fraccion. Espada(and Higher) may choose up to three while the one Fraccion is free to chose one. Please note, killing applies to those of drastically weaker Reiatsu than the holder[Unseated shini/hollows.]) Fear- Reiatsu at its most basic level can instill fear in others when it is very high. Stunning- High level spiritual power can cause those of lower power to be stunned by simply being in the presence of a high level spiritual being. Paralysis- When a spiritual being of high reiatsu chooses to they can paralyze an opponent just by focusing pressure through their stare or presence. Phantom Pain- High Level of Spiritual pressure can make an opponent feel as though they are being attacked though nothing is physically happening to them. Damage- In some instances releasing enough reiatsu in one burst can cause burns, cuts or shockwaves. Killing- In high enough quantities, spiritual pressure can be lethal to others, especially those with weak or no reiatsu of their own. Reiatsu Type: Standard Type- The type most spiritual beings have that can hold any of the aforementioned effects, along with its unique color and feeling. Dual Type- All Visored and Arrancar have this specific reiatsu. For Visored they feel more like Shinigami, while Arrancar feel more like Hollows. When releasing their Hollow powers Visoreds feel more like Hollows. Element Type- Unique type of reiatsu that holds elemental properties Skills and Abilities: Any noteworthy attributes about your Character shall be listed here Inventions: Have you invented a device or perhaps a unique type of kido or unique kido spell? Equipment: What does your character carry on them? Zanpakuto Name: State the name of your Zanpakuto Zanpakuto Appearance: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto in its sealed state(unless your Zanpakuto is a constantly released type). Include information such as wear and how it is worn, size and blade type. Also state the name of your Zanpakuto here. Release Word: What is the Word used to release your Resureccion? Resurreccion: Resureccion Appearence: Resurreccion Abilities: Offense: 1-100% Defense: 1-100% Mobility: 1-100% Cero: 1-100% Intelligence: 1-100% Physical Strength: 1-100% Total: ???/600 Likes: Non-Mandatory Dislikes: Non-Mandatory Favorite Food(s): Non-Mandatory Special Locations: Do you have any locations unique to you? Biography: [/hider] [hider=Vizard/Visored Biography Template]�Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� �Character Quote goes here.� Character Name: Actual Age: How old is your character(Shinigami and Spiritual beings can live for hundreds of years)? Physical Age: How old does your character appear to be? Race: Shinigami/Vizard Birthday: Timeline will be A.D. Gender: Male/Female [b]Height: Weight: Blood Type: Affiliation: Visored/Gotei 13/ Seretei/ Soul Society/Onmitsukido/Human World/ Urahoro Town Title: Captain Commander/Captain/Vice-Captain(Lieutenant)/Seated Member/Kido Corps Commander Occupation: Guard/Scientist/Medic/ReporterHead of Noble Family, Kido Corps Member/President of Research and Development Institution/Head of the Onmitsukido/Head of the Detention Unit/Shino Academy Instructor Division: What Squad or Division are you in? Division Team: If you changed Squads what was your previous Squad? Partner(s): Who do you mainly work with? Base of Operations: Seretei/Soul Society/Visored Warehouse/Urahoro Town/Human World/ Division HQ/Maggots Nest/Dangai/Shino Academy Notable Features: It is here where you will put down any notable features about your Character Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? Relatives: Does your character have any relatives? Zanjutsu Level: The fighting style for the Zanpakuto and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. It is shameful for a Shinigami not to master at least this technique. Practitioner- A practitioner holds only a basic understanding of swordsmanship, having little to no skill in the art. These are generally the common academy students upon first entering into the academy, novices at best. Specialist- Swordsmanship specialists are those that specialize in the use of swords during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in swordsmanship as well. All seated officers of the Gotei 13 have to possess at the very least this level of skill. Expert- An Expert swordsman is highly skilled using their Zanpakuto while sealed or in its Shikai. Most lieutenants are experts, since they must know Shikai and have mastered it to a degree, so as to be promoted. This applies also to some higher seated officers as well and in some cases to captains who even though possibly having attained their Bankai, don't commonly engage in swordsmanship as their desired form of combat. Master- Master Swordsmanship Specialists vary greatly by power and technique. The criteria for a master is simple; one must have masterful skill in swordsmanship above all else. The attainment of this level of skill is a testament to the wielder's power and determination. Most Shinigami Captains are masters, since as the heads of their divisions, they are the true military power of Soul Society. As use of the Zanpakuto is the Shinigami's primary form of combat, it is preferable to have mastered skill in order achieve the rank of captain though mastery is not excluded to them or even to Shinigami. Shunpo Level: The name given to one of the four combat skills of the Shinigami and relates to footwork. Hoho is an important skill for most Shinigami, and is one of their four basic fighting styles. The agility and speed of Hoho can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukido. Shunpo (Flash steps) is the greatest expression of the Hoho technique. However, there are variations even within Shunpo that only master Hoho practitioners can use. No Shunpo- Those in this category possesses no skill for Hoho and instead rely on walking to get where they need to be or have trained extensively to enhance their natural speed to a level allowing them move considerably fast though decidedly under that of Shunpo. Practitioner- Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time, by seemingly taking only a few steps to bridge what would normally be a large distances. Those who are practitioners commonly use their knowledge of Hoho while engaging in combat to close the space between combatants. Those practitioners that maintain these high speeds for too long tend to become winded. Expert- Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others but none the less their application of the technique is highly advanced. Master- Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest beings within Soul Society.
They are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time while only using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements. Masters are capable of using Advanced steps which are considerably harder to initiate. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.
(Note only those who have trained and achieved mastery either stated or shown, outside any advantage they gain from Shikai, Bankai or otherwise are included in this listing). Hakuda Level: A close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body, and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. High-speed Taijutsu (Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It also seems to be a combination of several martial arts. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukido. Novices- Hakuda novices are those that have just began to learn the basics of the art such as Academy students and those that are not versed in the fighting style. Practitioner- Casual users of this art can take on average armed opponents. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Capable enough in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Practitioners aren't the most likely to engage in hand-to-hand combat on average but they can use it as an option. Combatant- Average users of this art can take on average armed opponents and put up a pretty decent effort against those many times their size. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Expert- Experts of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. Those of this level are among the seated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. While not masters, an Expert is more than capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation. Master- Masters of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. The 2nd Division captain and their 3rd seat, or head of the Detention Unit, are most often the premier masters. In particular, the Detention Unit head must prove their mastery of Hakuda to even be considered for the position. This is because the Detention Unit's prison, the Maggots' Nest, is a weapons-free zone. Anyone who enters must be able to, or be under the protection of one able to, completely protect themselves with only their bare hands. Kido Skill Level: Novice- Academy students and those not talented in the use of Kido. They generally require absolute focus as well as the repetition of a full incantation in order to produce the desired effect. Those at this level of mastery, or lack thereof, results in as many successful Kido as it does unsuccessful attempts. Practitioner- More skilled than a Novice, this is typically an expected level of a lower seated member of most Divisions, the exception being the 11th Division. Failures drop significantly while the concentration needed is less than that of a novice. While the incantation is still needed, some are able to cast severely weakened Kido without one. At this level, only lower ranked Kido are available for use. Specialist- One who specializes in the use of Kido, those at this level are able to pull off powerful Kido with incantations as well as cast fairly strong versions without. Generally speaking this level is for higher seated officers of most divisions(11th again being an exception). Lower ranked Kido are stronger while mid ranked kido are able to be used. Expert- A Kido expert is one able to near flawlessly cast powerful kido without an incantation. When an incantation is used the power of their kido increases noticeably. Low to mid ranked kido increase in effectiveness while higher ranked Kido become available for use. Usually limited to Lt., Captain and Kido Corp members. Master- A true master of Kido is able to shirk off the limits of incantations, able to cast even higher level Kido with little to no effort. All level of Kido are available for use, several times more effective than that of the previous level. When incantations are aded to their Kido, a Master is able to preform devastating and awe-inspiring feats. Typically only captain ranked individuals or high ranking members of the Kido Corps are found to be of this caliber. Reiryoku Level: A power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Shinigami to provide power for their various feats and to effectively channel the powers of their Zanpakuto. It can also be used to cast Kido, magic spells created by the Shinigami. Reiryoku can even be coalesced into a physical form and thrown or shot as a projectile. As a display of potency, spiritual beings have the ability to incapacitate the opponent's movement and simultaneously frighten them, by means of dispersing Reiryoku into the air. The aforementioned ability is known as Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure), possessing power that could be literally felt within the atmosphere. Average- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking seated and non seated members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals. High- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average lieutenant rank and high ranked seated officers. Great- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank. Immense- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees. Vast- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual energy which is wild and untamed. This level of spiritual power has a possible tendency to leak from a person or when released can affect the surrounding area in a destructive way. Those of this level have no actual masterful control over their massive spiritual power, as it can affect those around them unintentionally. Reiatsu: The physical force/pressure that a person�s Reiryoku creates when released. Most Shinigami and Arrancar, and Quincy can manipulate the release of their reiatsu. The difference between spiritual pressure and spiritual energy is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person�s Reiryoku exerts. The difference is much like energy and power. Power being the amount of energy exerted per unit of time. Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Spirit Energy by possessing greater Spiritual Pressure. Reiatsu Colors: Different Spirits have different colors of reiatsu, solely determined by the Character's personality. Reiatsu Shape: Some Characters have a shape or manifestation of their energy whenever they release enough of it.(Only fill this portion out if it applies to you, if not omit this from your bio) Reiatsu Effect(s): (These effects are found only in the Reiatsu of Lt. and Captain level Shinigami) Fear- Reiatsu at its most basic level can instill fear in others when it is very high. Stunning- High level spiritual power can cause those of lower power to be stunned by simply being in the presence of a high level spiritual being. Paralysis- When a spiritual being of high reiatsu chooses to they can paralyze an opponent just by focusing pressure through their stare or presence. Phantom Pain- High Level of Spiritual pressure can make an opponent feel as though they are being attacked though nothing is physically happening to them. Damage- In some instances releasing enough reiatsu in one burst can cause burns, cuts or shockwaves. Killing- In high enough quantities, spiritual pressure can be lethal to others, especially those with weak or no reiatsu of their own. Reiatsu Type: Standard Type- The type most spiritual beings have that can hold any of the aforementioned effects, along with its unique color and feeling. Dual Type- All Visored and Arrancar have this specific reiatsu. For Visored they feel more like Shinigami, while Arrancar feel more like Hollows. When releasing their Hollow powers Visoreds feel more like Hollows. Element Type- Unique type of reiatsu that holds elemental properties Skills and Abilities: Any noteworthy attributes about your Character shall be listed here Inventions: Have you invented a device or perhaps a unique type of kido or unique kido spell? Equipment: What does your character carry on them? Zanpakuto Name: State the name of your Zanpakuto Zanpakuto Appearance: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto in its sealed state(unless your Zanpakuto is a constantly released type). Include information such as wear and how it is worn, size and blade type. Also state the name of your Zanpakuto here. Zanpakuto Spirit: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto and its personality Inner World: Describe the appearance of your Inner world and its inner workings Release Phrase: What is the Incantation used to release your Zanpakuto into its Shikai? Shikai: Shikai Special Ability: Bankai: Bankai Special Ability: Inner Hollow: (NOTE: This portion of the format applies only if your character is a Vizard, if not one omit from your bio)Describe the appearance and personality of the hollow restrained within you. Hollow Mask: Describe the appearance of your mask and how you don it. Cero: Describe the color of your cero and how it is fired Hollow Augmentations: Offense: 1-100% Defense: 1-100% Mobility: 1-100% Kido: 1-100% Intelligence: 1-100% Physical Strength: 1-100% Total: ???/600 Likes: Non-Mandatory Dislikes: Non-Mandatory Favorite Food(s): Non-Mandatory Seretei Communication Column: Have you Submitted any columns in the SCC? If so what were they about? Biography:[/hider] [hider=Quincy Biography Template]"Character Quote goes here." "Character Quote goes here." "Character Quote goes here." "Character Quote goes here." Character Name: Physical Age: How old does your character appear to be? Race: Quincy Birthday: Timeline will be A.D. Gender: Male/Female [b]Height: Weight: Blood Type: Affiliation: /Gotei 13/ Seretei/ Soul Society/Onmitsukido/Human World/ Urahoro Town/Wandenreich/Silbern Title: Emperor/Sternritter/Jagdarmee/Soldat Occupation: Letter: (For Sternritter's only) What Letter were you assigned? Team: Partner(s): Who do you mainly work with? Base of Operations: Seretei/Soul Society/Urahoro Town/Human World/ Wandenreich/Silbern Notable Features: It is here where you will put down any notable features about your Character Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? Relatives: Does your character have any relatives? Marksmanship Level: The fighting style for Quincy revolve around their spirit weapons which tend to be ranged weapons, most commonly the bow though fire arms have been known to be used. Practitioner- A practitioner holds only a basic understanding of marksmanship or archery, having little to no skill in the art. These are generally the common Quincy who have just become spiritually aware. Specialist- Marksman specialists are those that specialize in the use of bows or firearms during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in their spirit weapon. Expert- An Expert marksman is highly skilled using their spirit weapon. Most Quincy are at this level and have high success rate when firing their spirit weapon in terms of accuracy. Master- Master marksman vary greatly by power and technique. The criteria for a master is simple; one must have pin point accuracy when firing their bow or firearm. Master's typically have what one would call 'Eagle eye'. Known to almost never miss they are the most dangerous to face. Hand to hand Combat Level: A close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body. High-speed Taijutsu (Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It also seems to be a combination of several martial arts. Unlike Hakuda used by the Shinigami, or Arrancar using Hierro, Quincy typically utilize the skill Blut in corresponce with their hand to hand combat prowess. Novices- Hand to Hand novices are those that have just began to learn the basics of the art. Practitioner- Casual users of this art can take on average armed opponents. Those of this level are among the weaker Quincy. Practitioners aren't the most likely to engage in hand-to-hand combat on average but they can use it as an option. Combatant- Average users of this art can take on average armed opponents and put up a pretty decent effort against those many times their size. Those of this level are among the stronger Quincy. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Expert- Experts of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before. Those of this level are among the Jagdarmee and Sternritters who prefer other forms of combat over this. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. While not masters, an Expert is more than capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation. Master- Masters of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily. A level of mastery normally held by Sternritter level Quincy which prefer this form of fighting to others. Using their harder Blut, they are easily able to take on an armed shinigami. Hirenkyaku Level: The name given to the Quincy's advanced movement technique, allowing the user to move at high speed by riding on the flow of Reishi created below their feet. Essentially, it is the Quincy equivalent to the Shinigami's Shunpo and the Arrancar's Sonído Practitioner- Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time. Though fast their movements are not compltely untraceable and are the least impressive users of the technique. Expert- Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. Having practice the technique for quite sometime they are even capable of certain techniques such as creating platforms out of reishi for which to travel. In terms of speed they are equal to the average Captain level shinigami. Master- Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest Quincy and above all others who employ the technique. Their movements are nigh untraceable and can keep up with even high Captain level Shinigami and Master's of Hoho/shunpo. Blut Level: An advanced Quincy technique that works by having Reishi flow directly into their blood vessels, users of this technique can drastically increase their attack and defense power to inhuman levels. However, despite the significant danger this potentially presents to one's opponents, Blut possesses one major flaw: because the independent forms of the technique for attack and defense operate.[/hider] More to come...[/center]