[quote=Orchestratic] Hm. No offense Josh but I hope when we start the RP your typos and grammar issues aren't as present as they are in your bio. >_> They never were that present before, but you skipped a lot of commas and your sentence structure is pretty far off. I guess it's just RPing on a phone that's rough. Also, I thought Parker and Matt met because they kept seeing each other at many parties and concerts? I'm still keeping that, we'll just say it happened but your bio doesn't have it. xD I like the idea that they weren't friends at first but they couldn't get away from each other. xD Anyway, I'll move Parker to here when I can, which should be sometime tonight. I would've done it while I was sick but I forgot that I hadn't done it yet. [/quote] Sorry about the errors... this is pretty much a straight copy paste from the last one... which I wrote at 7am-ish after an all nighter of Magic the Gathering and Cards Against Humanity. The Parker part was at the bottom of the second block of the bio. I went ahead and expanded it a little but not all that much. The main changes that were in this one was giving Matt's parents' name and changing his sister's name. As well as setting up a connection with Lucy. Speaking of Laura I hope you don't mind but I went ahead and made Matt and James for a little bit, until James got deeper into drugs, simply because Matt was already friends with a James and Lucy's brother being James felt like too much coincidence to ignore. I do hope that is alright. Again sorry for any errors in the bio grammatically . Those will [i][b]NOT[/i][/b] occur in game and I'm sorry if it made reading through the bio difficult.