Okays, home now and both are accepted. Name: Kawaguchi Sumiko Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org//images/458/5975649d7a89a38c6b5a789580ccb9f208f852d2.jpg]"If I can make a suggestion..."[/url] Personality: Doctor Kawaguchi Sumiko is a dedicated researcher. She seeks entirely to honor her father's memory and live up to the mantle he passed to her, to develop the technologies he left behind in order to fight and destroy the Nephilim. She is deeply fascinated by technology in all forms, especially the "magic" left behind by her father. She is perhaps the single person in the world most equipped to deal with such devices. Sumiko enjoys speaking about such technologies but is really rather distant from regular human contact. Indeed, Sumiko is rather odd when interacting with others and seems more excited to "examine" the candidates them simply meet them. She's fascinated by their link to the technology they will wield and is incredibly eager to see them use the MagiGear. Sumiko has a rather low level of human contact beyond her research associates and the heads of SEED, which truly leads to strange interactions with other people. Sumiko is also fascinated with many anime and manga, especially that of the magical girl and mecha genres. Brief Backstory: Sumiko is the daughter of the famed scientist Doctor Kawaguchi Genji. She grew up raised on science, and developed a fascination with it early in life. She spent most of her free time tinkering or studying various things, even from a very young age. Well, or watching much less scientific things. At sixteen, she was remarkably accomplished and even acknowledged as a scientist herself. However, her social life faltered due to her focus and she developed into a rather eccentric girl. Her father's death was a devastating blow, but that didn't stop Sumiko from deciding to continue is research to prepare for the Nephilim's return. She began to plan out the MagiGear and analyze the Nephilim even before the formation of SEED, and one the organization was created she presented her research in full. She became the Project Head for the MagiGear, and has been working ever since. Now, the only thing needed for completion are the candidates. Abilities: Sumiko is highly intelligent, an absolute genius in multiple fields, especially that of technology. She is also the best authority on Nephilim. Occupation: MagiGear Project Lead, Head SEED Researcher