Arizona stopped in his tracks as West addressed him, he had been so close to avoiding conversation, but his peer just had to talk to him. Was it some cosmic law that stated he would never find joy in anything? Did someone despise him that much? He didn't know, but that didn't stop him from blaming said unknown force for his luck. [i] 'You're not a bad guy, just a very annoying imbecile.' [/i] Arizona thought as he let out the most over-dramatic sigh he could muster while still wearing a helmet. Reluctantly turning to face West, taking in many of his details for future reference. He didn't look like much, at least not to him. What was he expecting from some dumb sniper though? Admittedly not much. "What is it you want to talk about?" He asked bluntly, just really wanting to get whatever the other Agent had in mind out of the way. "I'm not going to start gushing over my life story to you, if that's what it is." He added as a precaution, knowing full well how new recruits tried to bond in such a way. He wasn't going to go through that again, not ever.