"Life story?" He asked, bewildered. "Clearly you take me as some generic, sad sack rookie who doesn't know what he's doing." West said. Of course, West wanted to talk, but he honestly wanted to get to know his fellow teammates as teammates, not as people. "At most, I just want to talk to you about combat." West closed his eyes in aggravation under his helmet. Of all the people he could have chosen to speak to, it had to be the one whose mindset was to be antisocial. Then again, maybe all of his fellow recruits were like that. Who knew? Probably just the Director and his bueno muchacho the Counselor. Of course, he'd have no way of knowing that until later. Maybe West could get this guy to warm up to him, though. Maybe if he just didn't force conversation on the guy, he wouldn't think so badly of him. "But I don't mind if you don't wanna be bothered right now. I don't want to bother you if you don't want to be bothered."