[center][b]The Crystal Tower RP[/b][/center] [indent]You are gently awoken from your sleep as the boat comes to a stop. You yawn deeply, taking a deep breath of cool, salty morning air, and stretch pulling yourself up into a sitting position. You slowly rub the sleep from your eyes letting them adjust to the feint early morning light. You can vaguely make out the dark shape of the ferryman, standing over you and your companions. But he is not what everyone is staring at. Before you, jutting out of the small, rocky island, stands a structure that you had only heard about until this moment. A huge crystaline tower rising up into the clouds, it's smooth surface shimmering and glowing with a feint light of a color you cannot quite place your finger on. The hair on the back of your neck begins to stand up and your heart begins to beat faster and faster. You can feel the quiet thrum of energy pulsing, and flowing through the air around this place, and slowly you come to the honest realization that this is the place where you will spend the next ten years of your life. [/indent] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110223204108/ffxv/images/d/d7/Crystal_Tower.jpg] [b]Welcome![/b] This is my first attempt at running a forum game. My idea is that you are all children discovered to be able to use magic, brought to the Mages Tower most prestigious school for magic outside of perhaps the Grand Imperial College of Magic. The Mages Tower is a mysterious crystal structure that rose out of the ground nearly two hundred years ago in the middle of the great city of Amsusesh causing part of the city to break off and drift out to sea. As the years progressed the structure was investigated and found out to be hollow on the inside and set up like an actual building. There were floors and stair cases, and doors and windows. Mages begin to flock here in an attempt to be the one to discover the secrets of the tower. Well soon a small town sprung up around it, and once it was determined to be safe the mages set up a college to both study the crystal and to teach, and train new mages. That's just a brief summary of my idea. If people seem interested I will continue to expand on this information, adding things about how magic is regulated and exactly how it fits into the setting. Oh also I'm still pretty new to this whole forum posting thing, and I'm still trying to figure out how to make this look nice and all so forgive me for that. I will try to learn and fix things as I go.