[quote=The Nexerus] *siteA porn sight would be just an image containing porn. A porn site is a website that contains multiple images (or videos, stories and what have you) that are pornographic.I've never seen 'site' and 'sight' being used in place of each other before anywhere outside of YouTube comments. [/quote] Must be great that you're so preoccupied by what people write on the internet that you have to comment on every little thing that's a slip up. Good job hero, the world is a better place because of your vanity. I don't know what the forum would have done if you didn't point out I used the wrong word that absolutely nobody else seemed to be bothered by. I sincerely appreciate the efforts you make to ensure the survival of the English language, which in the dark age of the Internet, needs a champion such as yourself to staunchly defend its proper usage. It's a good thing you caught it, otherwise I would have slipped down a dangerous slope o impraper spelin + gramer n kot knew what 2 do abaot it. nao go fuk yurs3lf wit rak ploz lololnoob totally pwnd