Zephyr was disappointed when she saw Tiffany get up and leave. [i] So much for that effort.[/i] Effort, yeah, that's what that was. She stood and went to her room, grabbed her leather jacket and then left the mansion to walk around for a bit. It didn't really quiet things down much, but the bigger space at least meant that things could filter out more and they weren't quite as loud as they were in the house. She observed some people jogging laps around the house, [i]I should pick up running again[/i]. As she continued her walk she saw a brother sister duo. She knew they were older, as was their friend, so she wasn't sure how she felt about them, nor did she really know them all that well. She had heard stories, she had read thoughts, but she still didn't know much about them. She walked a bit more then sat on a stone bench that was probably about 100 yards from the duo and friend. She tried to remember their names. Christopher was the brother she believed, Aria.. no Arina was the sister, then there was... Pachid? Yeah, that was it. She smiled a little. At least she could get names down pretty well. She sat Indian style on the bench, she didn't have anything to do since she wasn't in classes or one of the X-men so she had spent the past couple weeks just chilling, trying to get a handle on her powers, to no avail. She decided to try shutting it off again, maybe this time it would work. Closing her eyes again and sitting up straight, she breathed deeply and exhaled through her mouth. "Breathe Zeph. Just breath. Focus on shutting everything out. You are the only one around. Your's is the only mind speaking." she breathed and continued her mantra in her head.