Strange... world was bouncing, much like a rubber ball. But of course, the world couldn't bounce. Esprum's eyes shot open, his pupil small and bouncing about on his eyes, adjusting. 'What in the hell...' He went to cough, a short, strangled breath is all he got. At this point, he could tell he was being carried. Aurellius grunted as he felt movement to his right. "Eh?" He stopped for a moment, looking down at the man. "Ah, awake, huh? Well, you fell down a hole. Knocked out about halffa your brains and I had to scoop 'em back in. Wasn't a pretty sight." "Do you think you can walk?" Aslin asked the man. 'A hole...' Esprum frowned to himself. 'They tried to bury me? I suppose it might be an exotic kink, but it certainly isn't for me.' He shivered. "Depends. Let me down, please." "Roger that." Aurellius set, simply letting go of Esprum and letting him fall to the ground. "I was tired of carryin' you anyways." "How gentle of you," Aslin deadpanned. Esprum grunted, the rough landing certainly not helping his 'fallen' body, a facefull of ground greeting him. He slowly propped himself up. "My spear?" He asked, midwince, as he was currently attempting to kneel. Aurellius grabbed the spear that had been strapped onto his back, along with Nicoleta's bow. "Keep in mind, I can snap this thing easily in half like I would a stick. You really should get a tougher metal." 'I wonder if you could play chess as well as you preform your daily helping of stupid.' Esprum inwardly complentated, before looking to right, or Aurellius's left. "What happened to Nicoleta?" He stared at Bookworm for a few moments, before jamming a thumb at his other shoulder in which Nicoleta was still limp. "She's either right here or Miss Leader is just a figment of my imagination." "I meant is she alright." He huffed, carefull rising to his feet. 'I don't suppose he could be gentler? Bah, that's like telling a bull not to charge.' After he was as upright as he was going to get, he reached for the edge of his nose, looking for his glasses. "I don't suppose you grabbed those as well?" He huffed, blinking a few time. "Oh. Those were smashed. Sorry, mate." He laughed suddenly, reaching into his jacket pocket. "Nah, that would just be the biggest dick move ever. I made sure to grab 'em, just in case the fall didn't give you increased eye vision." Aslin, meanwhile, was at the top of a tree trying to scout ahead. "I think we're close to that base you mentioned earlier," she called down from up top. He sighed, holding his hand out. "My staff, please. And my glasses, would be nice." He nodded to him self. "And an answer to my previous question would be good." Aurellius looked back up towards Aslin. "You don't need to think, you have that PDA you stole from me, right?" He sighed, turning back to Esprum and handing his stuff back to him. "As for her, she just took a nasty bump to the head. I'm sure she'll be fine. And between you and me, I won't tell if you try and do anything," he said, winking. "But don't do so for real, or else Aslin will kick your ass." Suddenly a PDA appeared out of almost nowhere and clonked Aurellius on the head. "I heard that!" Aurellius hissed as he rubbed the back of his head. "They're called jokes!" he looked down at the ground at the now busted PDA. "We followed the map on there to this enemy base. We're gonna steal some transportation and get to the relic site a lot faster." Esprum accepting his tools back, his spear ever so slightly bent. He pressed it against the ground, it helping him stand with a more formal posture. He stayed silent, and if there was a twinge of red on his cheeks, it very, very quickly disapeared. 'Ugh, What is he talking about.' Then he blinked. 'Wonderful. Why do I get the feeling he'll be the one driving.' He groaned, having slid his glasses over the tip of his nose. By the way, I call being the driver. I don't fancy going ten miles below the speed limit like an old grannie." "Right. I think I'll take the long way."