[quote=Nevermind] Bahaha okay. Well it's up now. Not 100% finished but ready to be judged I guess. [/quote] Finally! That only took a few decades. But so you know, I judged it so intensely. It was very well-written, actually; it was a nice, easy read with a good flow. I like Manu - even if I don't know a whole lot about him yet, I like how he sounds so far. That street-smart survivalist who is only looking out for themselves; you made him sound more like a harsh, self-concerned realist than a typical post-apocalyptic hero. I like it. You're definitely accepted. Welcome to our RP! [quote=Lo Pellegrino] Introducing Tomás Gellemo Lombardi... Deep thinking veteran desperately searching for his older brother, only to discover that the best way of finding him is through the 1007th. Not sure how old Simon-Pietro was, but I'm operating under the assumption Tomás is 28-31. Strengths and weaknesses are written into the last couple of entries. Let me know if you need anything else! [/quote] Truthfully, I did not expect Simon's brother to appear out of nowhere. I don't know why it took my so long to make the connection - "Lombardi" isn't even that common of a surname. At first I was on the fence about this idea ([i]what is this soap opera plot twist?![/i]), but after reading your CS, I think I'm okay with it. I can't speak for Shon himself, and if he ever does return the two of you may need to have a conversation. If Tomas was presented without any connection to Simon, I would be ecstatic about having you on-board (I still am thrilled to have you, mind you). Your writing style is amazing; you'll definitely fit in with us. I'm still going to accept you (I'd be stupid not to), but can I just ask that you come up with a way to work around things should Shon return and decide he's not okay with it? He was a great person and I don't think he'd be upset necessarily, but I just don't want to put either of you in that uncomfortable situation. So, welcome to Apocalyptica! Start as soon as you please. Also, Simon was 29. He may be 30 by now, however. Seeing as half a year has passed and I can't remember reading about when his birthday was. Hope that helps a little. [quote=Euclid] I've decided to introduce Leopold Walsh, a collector of things from before it all went to hell. [/quote] I'm glad you introduced Leopold Walsh. That was one of my favorite CS's I've read so far. I love how you seamlessly included pivotal information without fully detracting from character's voice. It seemed very natural and effortless; I could believe that Leo is a real person. I like you, Euclid. You're most definitely allowed to stay in this RP forever. I have a question, though: I like the backstory idea of Leo being a collector of Old World things, but after what happened to him, will that lifestyle be pushed to the back-burner? I don't imagine he'd get back to scavenging right away (he has to track down those bastards and slaughter them!), but it'd be interesting to read his adventures in dilapidated cities, looking for meaningless objects. It doesn't matter either way, I was just wondering about it. Welcome to the RP! Glad to have you!