[quote=Aweena] I'm glad you introduced Leopold Walsh. That was one of my favorite CS's I've read so far. I love how you seamlessly included pivotal information without fully detracting from character's voice. It seemed very natural and effortless; I could believe that Leo is a real person. I like you, Euclid. You're most definitely allowed to stay in this RP forever. I have a question, though: I like the backstory idea of Leo being a collector of Old World things, but after what happened to him, will that lifestyle be pushed to the back-burner? I don't imagine he'd get back to scavenging right away (he has to track down those bastards and slaughter them!), but it'd be interesting to read his adventures in dilapidated cities, looking for meaningless objects. It doesn't matter either way, I was just wondering about it. Welcome to the RP! Glad to have you! [/quote] Revenge wasn't an initial thought, but I'm definitely not against it. Just means better development for Leo; pushing the bounds of his humanity. I could put in an incentive for him to track them down; something of great personal value to him that he would fight to keep with him at all costs. In any case, thanks for having me! [quote=Jazzy] Euclid, I have a feeling Anthony would like Leopold, because Anthony's an old fart at 53 and will probably recognize just about anything Leopold finds. He'd be good at appraisal of things beyond Leo's time. God knows he needs a reminder of the good ol' days. [/quote] Should our characters ever cross paths, I suspect that would be pretty swell.