Phelix nodded and walked briskly through the column and onto platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters. Just as he broke through, he heard a sharp angry whistle and a leering voice call out: [i]“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL ABOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD” [/i] “Oh no!” Phelix looked up with some alarm, and quickened his pace. His legs were too short and his baggage a bit too heavy for a proper run. He only managed a jerky waddle as he clutched his brief and suitcase. The train began to heave, chug, and the stacks erupted with thick grey clouds of smoke. The whistle screamed again and the train began to move. Phelix tried to go faster, his face quickly broke out into a sweat as he tottered along as fast as he could. The conductor at the end of the train noticed him, he yelled at Phelix, but Phelix could not hear what the man was saying. The conductor leaned out back door and reached out to the struggling professor. Phelix nearly stumbled as he latched onto the man’s arm, then with a heave and a grunt was pulled onto the train. Phelix felt dizzy, he sat on the steps of the caboose, his glasses and buttons askew, and his belongings gone. He watched his suitcase tumble on the platform, left behind. Phelix pointed, gasping, but could do nothing. The conductor drew his wand, flicking his wrist and muttering a spell. In an instant the suitcase disappeared from the platform and re-appeared beside Phelix (a bit beat up, but fully in-tact). The conductor raised his brow at the stout man, as if wondering: [i]’Why didn’t you just do that yourself? Aren’t you a teacher?’[/i]. Thankfully the conductor was too polite to criticize the wheezing old man. “Thank you, brother.” Phelix managed to say after a few breaths. “Just… give me a moment here. Thank you…” He sat on the step wringing his hands and trying to catch his breath. The old teacher was certainly out-of-shape. He dabbed the sweat off his brow with a white handkerchief. The conductor left him to attend to his other duties. When Phelix felt fully recovered he re-buttoned his shirt, straightened his spectacles, and hoisted himself up. It was time to find a proper seat. As he stepped into the corridor, he heard the excited chattering of children. He wanted a quiet spot, and still felt winded, he was reluctant to wade through the noisy throng. Luckily, he noticed a car with only two students. One he recognized as the Gryffindor Head boy, the other seemed content and occupied on her laptop. A nice quiet compartment! He slid open the door. “Mister Roberts, Miz. Bones.” He nodded to each respectively. “Mind if I steal a spot in here? I promise I won’t be a bother. As you were.” He took his time securing his suitcase, then took a seat on the opposite side of the children. He draped his jacket on the seat beside him, and pulled out his smartphone. Adjusting his glasses he squinted at the glowing screen, using his small fingers to sort through files and folders. He planned to review his lesson plans. “Hmm let’s see now… There’s Divination… Astro-things… and Muggle Studies…” He muttered quietly to himself as he opened each file.