[center][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/24180310/large.jpg[/img] Name:Hope Age:17 Personailty: Hope is very shy, not speaking up unless she wants to, feels like she needs to, or if someone talks to her. She is actually very misunderstood, as you will find out in her bio Bio: Hope has always felt misunderstood. No one at school as ever liked her, her best friend just left her to "join the populars", and her one crush who was once her boyfriend moved to London. In her spare time, she reads books and goes online and sometimes cuts herself, giving herself [b]false hope[/b] that she'll be loved. Her mother mysteriously left her at birth and her father is a bit of a drunk sometimes. (Like, 37% of the time). Demon:Hope, obviously. [/center]