[hider=Telcontar Siannodel][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Tanure Siannodel. [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Elven. [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 225 [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120617122605/ultimatefiction/images/d/d1/Elf.jpg[/img] [b]Height –[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight –[/b] 130 [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Telcontar (Ranger) [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] mastery in Longbow, Marksmanship, and Scouting. [u][b]Powers:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Weaponry:[/b][/u] Elven Longbow, Longsword, Dagger. [u][b]Other equipment:[/b][/u] 3 bottled Mist/Camouflage Paint/5 vails Cold Fire/5 vails Ironwood Balm/1 sack Spidersilk/2 bottles Liquid Light/Travelling Cloak/2 sets of clothes/3 loavesWaybread/small sack of provisions for 5 days. [u][b]Apparel:[/b][/u] Elven Leather armor/ Elven Mirthril armor for combat. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Tanure eschews the fineries of civilised life and enjoys greatly the thrill of the hunt, believing that the hardships of survival build character and gives him his strength. In his eyes, the civilised elves have abandoned this way of life and become weak as a result. He is a passionate person, who follows tends to follow his heart instead of his head, trusting in his instincts and intuition, because they are the best tools for survival in the primal forests. He's also intense in thought and demeanour, with a straight connection between his heart, mind and body. He always say what He really think about something and does not hesitate to act when He knows he is doing the right thing. Tanure can have two faces, the one they show to to his people and the one He wears for outsiders. To other Elves, He is attentive, kind and protective, but to others he is aloof, uppity and with more than a measure of arrogance. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Tanure and his sister, Alysia, grew up in a small but close knit village, his Grandfather,Aramil, sat on the Council of the Elven Republic, thus Tanure's education was more advanced for he was being groomed to take his Grandfathers place once he became of age, but the call of the Forest was too strong and Tanure take the path of his Father Nukumna, becoming a Ranger and Scout for the Militia. [/hider]