[img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130611041639/starwars/images/d/d4/ConsularCruiser-WW.png[/img] The Nightfury is a Consular Class Cruiser retrofit by the Mandalorian Mar Den during the Clone Wars. An Ex-Black Watch member who left after the leadership sided with Sidious he now travels the galaxy fulfilling contracts on the only rules that they are not for either the Jedi or the Sith, however he does not mind working for either the Confederacy or the Republic. Though of course like all good Star Wars tales he needs a partner in crime, or close to crime. Basically we'll be going around the Galaxy and I have ties in to plots from other roleplays I am running/plan to run. AS long as you have decent star wars knowledge and you're a good roleplayer. Missions for us will be decided between me and whoever else is playing, but as I said there are going to be quite a few tie ins/hint drops and other mysteries. Hopefully down the line I want to timeskip to a point and bring it together with another RP of mine. If this also garners a couple of folk I'll be willing to open it up in the casual section. The most interesting thing is I'm not doing character sheets beyond appearance, name, gender, species and skills. Biography you can keep to yourself. Mar Den is a organic character and I create him on the fly and it allows us to create lots of nice comedic links to our characters past. Referencing past missions out of the blue can be fun. If you're wanting to throw romance into it... I'm not going to push you away but I'm not going to go looking for it or have Mar suddenly fall in love.