The first thing you notice as you begin to wake up is the sound of roaring flames all around you. All around you, you see the wreckage of the ship you had all booked passage on strewn for hundreds of yards in every direction, with a deep trench dug in a straight line leading up to the main hulk of what was once a ship. Among the wreckage you see other former passengers and crew, lying horribly twisted and misshapen, though some appear to be moving. looking around you see a large empty plain, barely above classification of a desert, with the odd tree and shrub breaking up the sparse grass. Off to the northeast you think you can make out signs of civilization, such as it can be called out here on the border planets. Among the wreck a grizzled older man is walking among the other bodies, checking for signs of life with an expression of grim determination on his face. You recognize him as Otis, one of the crew members of the ship.