"Yeah, I did. It was only a joke though, just a guess," Scott replied in an attempt to play off what he had just done. "Why, is she a Psyche or something?" He took a quick glance at Nicki, seeing that she didn't look so good compared to everyone else. After a moment the pieces fit together in his overactive brain, his face becoming brighter to match. "Oh, I see. F Sharp..." He continued to speak as he returned to facing Caelum, "The Hulk thing was actually from a really old Earthling movie about this big green guy, he liked to-" By now he realized that she hadn't listened for the answer, trailing off, "...smash things." At his point he turned around and walked straight toward Nicki, once again taking no consideration for anyone that might be in his way by way of scuffing and weaving past them. Scott nearly knocked Tide's breakfast over as he did this. In the moment before speaking to her he gave her the up-down look, followed by a very soft bob of the head. "F Sharp, right? Sorry about before, I didn't realize that you and I were... the same." Here, though a rare occurrence, Scott was actually speaking genuinely. So many years in that damned facility gave him a deep understanding of just what kind of pain and torture the life of a Psyche was every single day. For once he would have the extended company of someone that he could actually relate to. At any rate, it was always a good idea to stay on good terms with any Psyche if it could be helped.