Awesome! Thanks everyone! Super excited I got so much of a response so quickly. I'll be a bit busy today, but I should be able to post some bits and pieces of world info, and hopefully I will be able to get an OOC up sometime this weekend. Unfortunately though, for my sanity and the quality of the game as a whole I may have to limit the number of players I can accept (Probably no more than 6). I will not be deciding who gets in on a first come first serve basis, as I feel this would promote putting less thought into your characters, rather once I feel I have most of the characters in, I will then pick the ones I feel are the best. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to create a character though, and if you don't get in on the first round I will still keep you in mind if someone drops out or something. Anyway I should not get ahead of myself. I may not even get 6 characters!