The smell of sweat, alcohol, and cigarette smoke filled the air of the club. The band on stage currently was wailing loudly as Dom hunched over the bar, nursing his drink. Beside him, Chelle Lee was tapping her foot along with the beat and watching the show. "[i]They're pretty good![/i]" she shouted, her yell a whisper compared to the audio output of the speakers. "Eh," Dom replied, unimpressed. "They don't have any style. All they do is bitch and moan to guitar riffs." He downed the rest of his scotch. "You wanna get out of here? Find something better to do?" Chelle Lee shrugged. "Like what? It's not like there's all that much to do. Besides, I'm all out of Relics after getting that Ocalia." She patted her purse, where the Relic of her new acquisition currently rested. "I'm hungry as fuck. Let's go eat." Chelle Lee rolled her eyes but nodded. "Fine. You're buying." Dom grinned and led the way out of the club and into the cool air of downtown Toran. The sun was setting, casting long shadows from the commercial buildings all around. The streets were crowded with folk spending their evenings shopping or exercising or just general going out. "What's good here?" Dom asked. "There are a few places listed on NatrelYelp," Chelle Lee responded, flipping through pages on her PDA. "The Apache Margrave, the Broken Kyretu... ooh, the Red Nakumo sounds good." She flashed the device at Dom. The screen showed a small restaurant on the other side of town. "'Traditional Toran cuisine.' Hm. Sounds good to me," Dom replied, motioning for Chelle Lee to lead the way.