"A simple mission, no more?" He had asked his mom, she assured him, simple, two or three guys tops. A favor for the bats, she said. And yet, here he was, standing in the middle of a nondescript Wayne Enterprises building floor. With his two pals next to him tracking intently. Sniffer, true to name, was sniffing out the enemies and relaying locations to Clarence, he wanted to find all the enemies before he struck. Rasubosu, on the other hand, was making a racket with intensifying growls. "What is it?" He asked, speaking in barks and yips with a little bit of body language. "Somethings wrong, I feel it." The little fighting dog said, still growling. "Don't worry 'bout it." Sniffer said, sniffing at the air. "We're gettin close!" Sniffer said, perking up a little bit. Clarence smiled, finally a battle. "Time to unwind." "[i]erif ll-[/i]" He was stopped by a tiny set of teeth on his ankle, "Hey what the hell!?" He asked, "People are showing up like crazy!" Sniffer said urgently, which was a little out of character. "Friend or foe, I don't know.." He said, back to his normal self. "Just wait." Sniffer relayed.