[b]“Tsk.”[/b] Alex couldn’t help but scowl as his scavenging resulted in nothing… again. Whoever had been around this area, they certainly had picked the damn places clean. Four buildings so far, and nothing useful to be found. With a sigh, he let his irritation vanish before looking on the bright side; at least there hadn’t been any Walkers around. It seemed that whoever had cleaned these buildings out had taken more than just the loot, but also any Walkers in the area. With yet another bust, he took the momentary lull to take a quick drink. The water was a bit warm and Alex couldn’t help but grimace, but hydration was hydration. Before he could move onto the next building over in hopes of finding some loot, some unmistakable sounds filled the air outside. The truck’s engine was impossible for him to miss, and it seemed to be in hot pursuit of something given its acceleration. [b]“Damn…”[/b] he muttered as he considered his options. Part of him wanted to investigate what was happening, but another wanted nothing more than to bunker down for now. That sound would, without a doubt, draw whatever Walkers that were still around like moths to a flame. [i]‘What to do...’[/i] He stepped out onto the street when the distant rumbling died down, the chase evidently over. He was tempted to duck right back in when the sharp cracks of gunfire replaced it. It’d be easy for him to just turn around, walk away, and wait for the situation to die down. Smart of him too. So that’s exactly what Alex did. Stepping back into the building, he kept his wits about him as the shots continued to ring out. Though he wasn’t in sight of the windows, Alex could hear the occasional moan or groan as a Walker shuffled by towards the sounds’ source. Thankfully, there weren’t many that passed by the street outside despite nearly a minute of gunfire. The engine roared to life once more before it faded into the distance, and Alex figured it was time to act. If he wasn’t mistaken, the commotion seemed to have been down by the I95 which wasn’t too far. Hell, he might even be able to check out the scene from the building’s rooftop. It turned out that the I95 was only a couple hundred meters or so from the next intersection up ahead. He only needed to follow the general direction the Walkers were moving in before he noticed her, just in time to see her bash a Walker with her bat. It didn’t seem like she was in too much trouble really, though the amount of Walkers converging was enough that things could quickly turn badly if she made a mistake. The question was, should he bother risking himself to help someone who might not even need or appreciate it? Decisions, decisions, decisions...