[b]Koshiro Hoshizaki[/b] "Huh?" Koshiro's mouth hung open, gormless as a fish as the one-eyed girl went on an angry tirade, the words 'pervert' and 'sicko' cropping up more often than he would like. "W-W-Wait! I'm not a sicko!" He whined indignantly, his hand running through his dyed blonde locks uneasily as he willed for the fuzzy memories to resurface in his mind. At least, he didn't [i]believe[/i] he was some kind of sick pervert. He would certainly remember kidnapping such a dynamic girl as her, not to mention having some kind of 'pirate fetish'. He let out a distressed sigh as he attempted to collect the scattered thoughts that whizzed through his brain. "I'm sorry, let's start again," he resolved with a wary smile, the corners of his lips twitching from the effort as he put on a display of false bravado. He bowed, tipping his fedora as his motions radiated both confidence and charm, a far cry from the yelping boy from eariler. "My name is..." A beat passed as his blue eyes widened slightly. What [i]was[/i] his name? Just how much of his identity had he forgotten? He cleared his throat pointedly, his brow furrowing as a pounding headache started to form. Words were appearing in his mind at random, and it was difficult to discern any sort of sense from them. However, amongst the random collection of symbols, there appeared to be three that were more defined than the others. "Ko..." The syllable left his mouth without him realizing, the sound rolling off his tongue with ease. "...Shi...Ro..." Two more syllables followed, somehow slotting into place perfectly in the young boy's erratic mind. "Koshiro." He completed the sequence with a genuine smile of relief. That just [i]had[/i] to be his name, right? "My name is Koshiro," he repeated, his confidence building as finished his introduction with a playful wink. "And what may I call you, my dear?"