Obsidian was a shining leader in technology and biochemical engineering. It was they who made massive developments in the international community, bringing ground-breaking technology to the world. They had strong ties with the American defense forces, outfitting the military with top-grade core manufacturing and weaponry. Obsidian was met with astounding success for years, but behind their big logos and sleek headquarters lay a sinister secret. Eventually it was their ultimate undoing.  You see, beneath their headquarters was a massive underground facility that never existed on any of the floor plans. It was here they housed their most advanced weaponry -- their top secret, most classified information. If you knew even a sliver of what happened underground, Obsidian had agents authorized to kill you. They called them Operatives, and their creation was mostly a curse. Humans erased from all legal records were screened, rigorously trained and pushed to the limits, then given the Quartz serum. After that, the subjects that survived were no longer considered human. Obsidian did with their Operatives as they sought fit, reveling in their ultimate weapons.  That didn't last long. Before Obsidian knew it, the Operatives rebelled and blew up HQ. The outside world saw this as a threat, however, and the Operatives' name was tarnished before they even had a say to defend themselves. The government ordered a manhunt of all bio-chemically enhanced super beings, labeling them as 'super terrorists' and 'a threat to humanity'.  So they went into hiding for a long time. Until, that is, someone threatened them just as Obsidian did. After only two short years, the Operatives were pulled into another conflict with no easy way out.  [indent][b]Who Are Operatives?[/b][/indent] Operatives were once human, but using an injection called Quartz they have become something much more advanced. Quartz, developed by scientists working for Obsidian, not only enhances a person's speed, reflexes, stamina and mental capacity, but allows the subject to harness unique powers that humans have only dreamt of. The subjects are similar to the Superheroes portrayed in popular culture. However, they are far from heroes. The subjects, called Operatives, are essentially hired guns of extremely high caliber. [indent][b]What or Who is This New Threat?[/b][/indent] Now, now. I can't tell you that yet. When I can tell you is this individual has been salvaging the remains of Obsidian's HQ, enough so that he managed to reconstruct the kill switch remote Obsidian previously used to control the Operatives. (Each injection of Quartz had a microchip kill switch that could stop an Operative's heart at the push of a button.) This new threat plans to make it very known to the Operatives in hiding that he is their worst nightmare. Unless, of course, they cooperate.  [i]Credit to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/53076/posts/ooc]Dmytra's original[/url][/i] ----- Heh, so what do you think? If there's enough interest I'll place the OOC link below in a couple days. :)  [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66177/posts/ooc?page=1]Obsidian: Wyverns OOC[/url][/b]